Los Angeles Cancels Lease on Pastor John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church

In a staggering show of vindictiveness, Los Angeles County served notice this weekend on Pastor John MacArthur that it was canceling his church’s lease on county property. Three parcels of land used as a parking lot by the church belong to the county, and they want the land back. They also want revenge.

Four times the county has tried to shut down MacArthur’s Grace Community Church over its refusal to follow COVID edicts against indoor church services, and four times it has been rebuffed.

When Jenna Ellis, the lead attorney from the Thomas More Society  which is helping defend the church against the onslaught from the county, learned about it, she called it out for what it was: government tyranny through retaliation. Ellis remarked,

Los Angeles County is retaliating against Grace Community Church for simply exercising their constitutionally protected right to hold church and challenging an unreasonable, unlawful health order.

In America, we have a judicial system to ensure that the executive branch does not abuse its power, and Grace Community Church has every right to be heard without fear of reprisal.

The Democrats’ message to Americans is clear — if you do not bow to every whim of tyranny, the government will come after you.

The Church has peacefully held this lease for 45 years and the only reason the County is attempting eviction is because John MacArthur stood up to their unconstitutional power grab. This is harassment, abusive, and unconscionable.

MacArthur and his staff will be making other arrangements once the lease is terminated, effective October 1. They will continue to hold in-person indoor worship services for the church’s 7,000 members, even if it means busing in many of them to attend.

The next step is the formal hearing over the dispute, which is scheduled to take place later this week.

 Image: Thinkstock

An Ivy League graduate and former investment advisor, Bob is a regular contributor to The New American, writing primarily on economics and politics. He can be reached at badelmann@thenewamerican.com.

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California Court Tosses Fourth Attempt by LA County to Shut Down Church