Lila Rose Vs. Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), the abortion Goliath, has met its David — and her name is Lila Rose (picture at left).  At age 15,  Lila Rose founded Live Action, the organization whose undercover investigations have exposed PPFA's illegal and unethical operations and unleashed a political firestorm. Thanks in large measure to her efforts, Planned Parenthood's tap on the taxpayers is under assault all across the country. 

The third of eight children, Miss Rose was home-schooled through the end of high school and then majored in history at the University of California, Los Angeles. Now 23 and a recent graduate of UCLA, Lila continues as president of the California-based Live Action and is the most familiar face of the organization's growing army of high school and college pro-life activists. She is a frequent guest on radio and television programs including Fox News, The Glenn Beck Show, CNN, EWTN, and The Laura Ingraham Show.

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One of Live Action's most recent coups is it's exposure of the false claims by Planned Parenthood that termination of taxpayer funding of PPFA clinics would mean the loss of basic health services to poor women. Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards appeared on CNN's Joy Behar Show to oppose the Pence Amendment to end Planned Parenthood's taxpayer subsidies, claiming, "If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are gonna lose their healthcare access — not to abortion services — to basic family planning, you know, mammograms."

On March 30, Live Action released a series of undercover phone call tapes exposing Cecile Richards' false claims. In the tapes, a Live Action actor calls 30 Planned Parenthood clinics in 27 different states, inquiring about mammograms at Planned Parenthood. Every Planned Parenthood, without exception, tells her she will have to go elsewhere for a mammogram, and many clinics admit that no Planned Parenthood clinics provide this breast cancer screening procedure. "We don't provide those services whatsoever," admits a staffer at Planned Parenthood of Arizona. Planned Parenthood's Comprehensive Health Center clinic in Overland Park, Kansas, explains to the caller, "We actually don't have a, um, mammogram machine, at our clinics."

Where was the mighty New York Times on this one? CNN, NBC, CBS, The Washington Post? So much for investigative reporting by the main stream media (MSM)!

The young Live Action journalists have also scored victories in exposing PPFA's racist roots in the eugenics movement and its ongoing racist agenda.  Not only does PPFA disproportionately target African-American and other minorities for abortion, they have been caught on tape, thanks to Miss Rose's investigators, expressing willingness to accept contributions from donors who specify that the money is to be used to abort black babies. (See here and here).

In addition, Live Action has repeatedly caught PPFA clinic personnel in criminal conduct, covering up child sexual abuse and aiding child sex traffickers (See here and here).

On May 11, 2011 Liberty News Network Producer Sam Antonio interviewed Lila Rose at the Wisconsin Right to Life event in Madison, Wisconsin:

In Planned Parenthood's "aggressive pursuit of upping abortion numbers," Lila Rose charged, "they're willing to break the law, lie to women, and ultimately abuse women."

"I got started in pro-life work when I was in high school, and I found out about abortion when I was very young and came from a family that supported and loved life -— and I'm one of eight kids," she told Liberty News Network. Her journey has been a natural progression, she says:

Growing up I learned about abortion and a lot of other issues our world faces, our nation faces — homelessness, AIDS in Africa, — I was involved in AIDS programs in Niger, building homes in Mexico, but I kept coming back to abortion  as the greatest abuse, because if we are not protecting our most vulnerable, our most innocent, then how can we cherish life? Especially in a nation that was built on the right to life. So in high school it was a natural progression, getting together with other young people and asking OK what can we do, what can we do to educate young people about abortion and try to stop it in our community.

"At Live Action we use the new media, social media, visual media to educate about abortion , what it is doing to a child what doing to our culture," she told LNN. And they have been tremendously successful. Live Action undercover investigations and audio/video recordings have not only exposed Planned Parenthood's corrupt and criminal activities, but have also powerfully exposed and rebuked the major media and the political establishment that have protected and supported PPFA's ongoing war on the unborn.

Cutting Planned Parenthood's Taxpayer Umbilical Cord

On May 20, Live Action's Director of Research David Daleiden reported ("PP Defunding Round-Up") on a series of victories in the battle against PPFA's abortion onslaught:

It’s been an exciting 10 days or so for defunding Planned Parenthood on the state level. Indiana made history last week as the first state to end taxpayer subsidies of Planned Parenthood (to the tune of $3 million). Planned Parenthood sued for an injunction to block the law from taking effect-as if they were entitled to Hoosiers' money-which a federal judge promptly rejected, allowing the defunding to commence immediately.

On Wednesday, we learned that Kansas is joining Indiana to become the second state defunding Planned Parenthood-in this case, stripping a little over $300,000 the abortion chain had been receiving from Title X.

Also on Wednesday, Wisconsin's Joint Finance Committee voted to end family planning grants to any organization referring for or performing abortions, and today, the news just broke that the Tennessee legislature is barring Title X funds from Planned Parenthood as well.

It may take a little longer to defund Planned Parenthood on the federal level, but meanwhile, state governments across the country are rising to the occasion. The dominoes are beginning to fall one by one, but with what seems like an accelerated pace. Planned Parenthood is running scared and is watching Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas to see where the next blow will come from – looks like Wisconsin was out of their radar initially….

PPFA reported annual revenues of more than a billion dollars in 2009 and nearly a billion dollars in assets. More than $363 million of Planned Parenthood’s reported annual revenue came from state and federal governments. But the taxpayers are finally revolting against this revolting practice. And the Live Action is a major cause of Planned Parenthood's current travails.

Related articles:

Indiana Ends Funding for Planned Parenthood

Feds Threaten Poor in Indiana Over Abortion Law

Indiana Abortion De-Funding Law Survives Planned Parenthood Tactic

Former Planned Parenthood Director Named Federal Judge