Drag Queens Push LGBT Agenda on Children

From FreedomProject Media:

Taxpayer-funded libraries from New York and Florida to California are paying grown men to dress up as women and promote gender confusion, homosexuality, homosexual “marriage,” and cross-dressing to children as young as 3-years old. Government preschools and elementary schools are also being targeted.

Throughout the bizarre festivities, children sing songs about the “hips on the drag queen.” They also hear stories such as the “Worm Loves Worm” story about homosexual worms who get “married.” It is all part of a new scheme known as the “Drag Queen Story Hour” (DQSH) to push the LGBT agenda on younger and younger children.

The “drag queens,” as the scantily-clad men dressed as woman call themselves, even encourage the young kids to consider becoming “drag queens” themselves. “Who wants to be a drag queen when they grow up?” an adult man dressed as a woman, who goes by the name “Lil’ Miss Hot Mess,” asks a group of confused-looking young children at the Brooklyn Public Library.

To read the rest of this article at FreedomProject Media, click here.

Photo shows Drag Queen Story Hour at the Park Slope Branch of the Brooklyn Public Library, May 13, 2017: AP Images