Chelsea Clinton: Reversing Roe v. Wade Would Be “Unchristian”

In her continuing quest to deny Judge Bret Kavanaugh a seat on the Supreme Court because he could vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, Chelsea Clinton (shown) declared Thursday that reversing the high court’s 1973 legalization of abortion-on-demand would be “unchristian.”

Appearing on a SiriusXM Progress Town Hall — “progress,” of course, being a euphemism for “left-wing” — Clinton was asked how she persists in the battle to keep abortion legal despite opposition from pro-life forces. She responded that her children, whom she didn’t abort, are her inspiration.

“Optimism is a moral choice,” Clinton said, quoting World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. “Every day I make the moral choice to be optimistic that my efforts and my energies, particularly when I’m fortunate enough to be in partnership with fellow travelers, hopefully will make a difference.”

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But if optimism is a moral choice, how much more so is abortion, which involves the taking of innocent human life? Yet Clinton, as all pro-abortion types do, framed the issue strictly in terms of women’s bodies, not in terms of the roughly 60 million unborn babies who have been legally murdered in the United States since 1973.

“When I think about all of the statistics, that are painful, of what women are confronting today in our country, and what even more women confronted pre-Roe, and how many women died, and how many more women were maimed because of unsafe abortion practices, we just can’t go back to that,” she said. “That’s unconscionable to me.”

As points out, however, abortion remains unsafe for women some 45 years after Roe. “This week,” the pro-life website notes, “a New Mexico family filed a lawsuit against a late-term abortion business, alleging it killed their young daughter and her unborn baby in a botched abortion and then tried to cover it up.” Abortion clinics are routinely found in violation of state safety standards but allowed to remain open.

Reversing Roe would not just be “unconscionable,” averred Clinton. “As a deeply religious person, it’s also unchristian to me.”

In other words, in Clinton’s opinion, the pro-life movement, which is overwhelmingly made up of Christians, is opposing God by standing up for the unborn and trying to get Roe overturned — which, if successful, would merely return the abortion issue to the states, where it properly belongs under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.

Clinton claimed that expressing that opinion would “unleash another wave of hate in [her] direction,” saying she’d “been compared to slave owners and Nazis,” tactics that apparently are only acceptable when employed by the Left against pro-lifers and conservatives.

“Anti-choice folks are really some of the ugliest,” said co-host Zerlina Maxwell, adding that “gun lovers” were also among the worst offenders.

Furthermore, she observed, Clinton was being called such things “because you want women to have access to healthcare.”

“And,” Clinton asserted, “because I’ve had the temerity to, as the Supreme Court did in 1992 in Planned Parenthood V. Casey, to point out that our ability to participate fully in our society, including economically, hinges on our ability to be able to make choices for our bodies.”

That decision, which struck down some very mild Pennsylvania abortion restrictions, was made not on the basis of the original understanding of the Constitution but on justices’ feelings about abortion. “At the heart of liberty,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote, “is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life,” including, it seems, whether that life may be snuffed out in the womb.

This is not the first time Clinton has argued that legalized abortion has economic benefits. At an anti-Kavanaugh rally in August, she claimed that Roe had enabled women to enter the workforce, adding $3.5 trillion to the economy between 1973 and 2009. The unstated assumption was that women can only be gainfully employed if they are allowed to kill their unborn children.

Clinton is wrong to assert that abortion is beneficial and that opposing it is unchristian. “What really is ‘un-Christian,’” argued, “is touting abortion as one of the greatest supports society can provide and telling women that they need to kill their own children to succeed.”

Photo of Chelsea Clinton: AP Images