Berries, Ice Cream, Gay Agenda

It’s “discrimination” when a Michigan farmer won’t rent out his orchid for gay weddings, but it’s not “discrimination” when Ben and Jerry’s won’t serve customers two scoops of the same flavor ice cream in Australia until gay marriage is legalized there.


From FreedomProject Media:

I’m serving up two scoops of liberal hypocrisy. First, the proglodyte city of East Lansing, Michigan, is banning a local farmer from selling his blueberries at the city’s farmer’s market. The Tennes family, whose farm is located 20 miles outside of East Lansing, are having their blueberries blackballed because they don’t rent out their family orchard for gay weddings. And this is despite the fact that the family is perfectly willing to sell their blueberries to all comers at the farmer’s market, regardless of orientation. But the city of East Lansing feels empowered to censure the family for “discrimination” that occurs entirely outside their city jurisdiction and has nothing to do with blueberries, farmer’s markets, or even the inquisitors of East Lansing.

So, if you’re keeping score at home, not making a dress for Melania Trump because of her husband’s politics is a blow for social justice, while not hosting gay weddings in your orchard is discrimination.

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