Cancel Culture: Uh-oh, Communist Angela Davis Gets Canceled by Butler University
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Oh, the howls of outrage by the cancel culture when one of their own gets canceled! Poor Angela Davis, the communist terrorist “professor,” is getting one of her lucrative speaking gigs ($30,000-50,000 per speech) shut down.

Davis, who has been rewarded with fame and fortune for a half-century of treason against the United States and against humanity by siding with the mass-murdering, freedom-destroying regimes of the Soviet Union, Communist China, Communist Cuba, and other Communist dictatorships, is being “canceled” by Butler University, a private university in Indianapolis.

“Racism” Is the Reason

Although the reasons for the cancellation are in dispute, organizers of the event are attributing it to racism. In a letter to The Butler Collegian, the school’s student newspaper, Roua Daas, the director of the Student Government Association’s diversity, equity, and inclusion board, charged that the university had given “an array of inconsistent and unfounded justifications for its racist and authoritative cancelation.”

“On March 29, without warning or discussion, Butler University administration canceled an event titled ‘Joint Struggle and Collective Liberation,’ which featured a conversation with the revolutionary author, abolitionist and anti-racist activist Angela Davis,” Daas wrote.

“The world-renowned political activist, author and philosopher was anticipated to discuss topics such as antiracism, U.S. and international solidarity movements and the impacts of policing on communities of color,” said Daas, “which would have been an unparalleled opportunity for Butler students to learn from and speak with a true Civil Rights icon and prominent leader in intersectional social justice movements.” 

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Icons, Emiratas, and Scholars, Oh My!

“Icon,” “heroic educator and scholar,” “Distinguished Professor Emerita,” “legendary civil rights leader,” “human rights champion,” “social justice activist,” “world renowned author” — these are some of the usual adoring descriptions to which Davis has become accustomed, as she flits about the world on her celebrity speaking tours.

The raunchy “feminist” magazine/website Jezebel took up Davis’s cause. “Butler University students are demanding answers after the school’s administration canceled a campus event that was supposed to feature the prison abolitionist and feminist scholar Angela Davis,” Jezebel’s Marie Solis wrote.

“The administration says it canceled the talk because officials didn’t follow proper protocol when booking Davis; students say the decision was the result of pressure from Zionist students on campus, who were opposed to Davis’s longtime support of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement” aimed at Israel.

Aptly named for the most infamously wicked woman of the Bible, Jezebel’s trademark seems to be to celebrate everything countercultural: abortion, drag queens, transvestites (in fact, the entire LGBTQLMNOP menagerie), communists, socialists, anarchists, atheists, etc. And, naturally, the Jezsebelites think conservatives have completely concocted or grossly exaggerated the whole “cancel culture” thing. Solis sniffs that the few examples of Angela Davis being canceled “are conveniently left out in mainstream discourse surrounding so-called cancel culture.” And this is because, she says, “The figures who provoke these discussions remain laser-focused on the supposed marginalization of their own world views — which are usually the dominant ones — and have always been fine with the exclusion of others.”

Jezebels, Culture Vultures, and Justice Hypocrites

“So-called cancel culture”? “Supposed marginalization”? Hundreds of crosses and statues of Cristopher Columbus, Robert E. Lee, St. Junipero Serra, George Washington, and more have been torn down, destroyed, and defaced. Conservative speakers have been banned, disrupted, subjected to violent protests, and physically threatened and attacked, including Heather MacDonald, Charles Murray, Ben Shapiro, Kaitlin Bennett, Thomas Sowell, Michael Knowles, Hayden Williams, Candace Owens, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Jordan Peterson, to name a few. The conservative websites, news sites, blogs, and podcasts that have been suspended, banned, shadow-banned, deplatformed, and demonetized are too many to count. The number of left-wing ideologues and activists being attacked, censored, and canceled by those on the right does not even remotely compare to this.

Angela Davis, for instance, has been welcomed with open arms by the media and academia for more than 50 years. She receives a generous, taxpayer-funded pension from the University of California, commands exorbitant speaking fees, and, thanks to sycophantic media reviews, has been made into a best-selling author.  

Angela Davis Now: “I Identify as a Communist”

One of Davis’s booking agencies describes her thusly: “Professor Davis’ teaching career has taken her to San Francisco State University, Mills College, and UC Berkeley. She also has taught at UCLA, Vassar, Syracuse University the Claremont Colleges, and Stanford University. Most recently she spent fifteen years at the University of California Santa Cruz where she is now Distinguished Professor Emerita of History of Consciousness – an interdisciplinary Ph.D program — and of Feminist Studies.”

When her communist record is brought up, if it is mentioned at all, it is usually to refer to her as a “former communist.” But Davis proudly describes herself currently as a communist.

In a June 21, 2020 video interview on BlackQueerTownHall, Davis told co-hosts “Bob the Drag Queen” and “Peppermint,” “I identify as a communist, abolitionist, internationalist, anti-racist, anti-capitalist, feminist, Black, queer, activist, pro-working class, revolutionary, intellectual, community builder.”

As we have detailed previously, Angela Davis’s communist commitment has been a lifelong affair, going back to her indoctrination at the Little Red Schoolhouse and her childhood (and lifetime) association with Communist Party leaders Hebert and Bettina Aptheker, on through her studies at the infamous Frankfurt School (the wellspring of “critical theory” and cultural Marxism); her membership in the Black Panthers and the Soviet-controlled Communist Party USA (CPUSA); her role in the 1970 courthouse hostage/kidnap/murder in California; her anti-American propaganda tours of Communist Russia (where she was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize), Cuba, and East Germany; to her serving as the vice presidential candidate for CPUSA in 1980 and 1984 U.S. presidential elections. And that barely scratches the surface of her vita of subversive activities. For the past five decades she has continued the communist revolutionary agenda as a leading voice of critical race theory, critical gender theory, queer theory, feminism, anti-capitalism, socialism, communism, prison abolition, police abolition, and much more.

Davis has been a leading inspiration for the self-proclaimed “queer Black women” who launched the violent, Soros-funded Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. We reported in 2015 that the BLM founding trio — Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opal Tometi — idolize Angela Davis and her longtime terrorist comrade and convicted murderer/fugitive JoAnne Chesimard, aka Assata Shakur, who lives in Communist Cuba. Cullors describes herself and her BLM co-founders as “trained Marxists,” and has revealed that she trained for years under Eric Mann, who was a member of the riotous Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the murderous Weather Underground terrorists in the 1960s and 1970s. For the past three decades, Comrade Mann has been running the Labor/Community Strategy Center in Los Angeles, where he trained, among many others, the BLM co-founders.

Unfortunately, the administration at Butler University doesn’t dare cancel “icon” Davis for any of her subversive, malevolent actions or statements. That would likely provoke violent temper tantrums from the woke faculty and students, not to mention shrill charges of “censorship” and “racism” from the media. So, instead, they shut down her planned talk on procedural grounds. According to the Indianapolis Star, Butler University spokesman Mark Apple said the administration “learned the established processes weren’t followed for this substantial expenditure of student activity fees.” The university said that the program was going to cost “a significant five-figure fee.” It is likely that this one speech by “anti-capitalist” Davis would consume the entire annual budget of the student government’s speaker’s fund.

But, according to Roua Daas, the administration’s decision “is grounded in the school’s history of racism and highlights the lack of genuine support for students of color, academic freedom and political engagement at Butler University, a predominantly-white institution.” 

Daas, like millions of other students, has been programmed to hate America by teachers, professors, schools, colleges, and popular culture “icons” such as Angela Davis. They have been indoctrinated in the belief that America is a structurally racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic nation that can only be redeemed by transforming it into a socialist (read communist) country. By continuing to fund America’s government schools, colleges, and universities, American taxpayers are funding their own destruction.

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