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Following Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s direction last week ordering the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate the parents of children who have been subjected to “so-called ‘sex change’ procedures,” the Biden administration is going all out in a war for “transgender rights.” The administration warned Wednesday that it will take “immediate action if needed.”

Abbott’s order has been vilified by liberals of every stripe as an attack on “marginalized people,” though it actually protects children from having life-changing surgical and chemical mutilation done to their bodies to further the Left’s gender ideology. The actual document can be found here.

In a statement that rings with an irony that the president appears blind to, Biden called Abbott’s direction “government overreach at its worst.” That is quite an indictment coming from a man who has spent his entire tenure in the White House mandating and dictating his way through a “pandemic” that is no real threat to most Americans. If Mr. Biden wishes to see “government overreach at its worst,” he need look no farther than the nearest mirror.

But Biden was just warming up. He went on to say, “Like so many anti-transgender attacks proliferating in states across the country, the Governor’s actions callously threaten to harm children and their families just to score political points. These actions are terrifying many families in Texas and beyond. And they must stop.”

Wednesday’s statement from the White House was not the only threat from the Biden administration that day. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra issued his own statement, saying that HHS is “committed to protecting young Americans who are targeted because of their sexual orientation or gender identity,” adding that he has directed HHS to “evaluate the tools at our disposal to protect trans and gender diverse youth in Texas.”

Describing the surgical and pharmaceutical mutilation of children as “gender affirming medical care,” Becerra issued the threat that “HHS will take immediate action if needed” to keep the LGBTQ+ train running with children on the tracks. Becerra said, “I know that many youth and their supportive families are feeling scared and isolated because of these attacks. HHS is closely monitoring the situation in Texas, and will use every tool at our disposal to keep Texans safe.”

So, the administration ostensibly led by the man who considers Abbott’s efforts to protect children from the scalpels and drugs of an ideological war on the family as “government overreach at its worst” is now threatening Texas with “immediate action.”

Biden claims that actions such as Abbott’s are “terrifying many families in Texas and beyond,” and Becerra claims that HHS will do all in its unconstitutional power “to keep Texans safe.” But neither of them offers any evidence that anyone is harmed by not being surgically and chemically mutilated. After all, what is harmful about not being shot full of drugs to stop the natural process of puberty? For that matter, who was ever harmed by not having a healthy body part removed?

But that clear logic is lost on Biden and his administrators. Becerra referred to Abbott’s actions as the “Texas government’s attacks against transgender youth and those who love and care for them,” and described them as “discriminatory and unconscionable,” adding:

These actions are clearly dangerous to the health of transgender youth in Texas. At HHS, we listen to medical experts and doctors, and they agree with us, that access to affirming care for transgender youth is essential and can be life-saving.

Becerra’s choice of words is deliberate. By branding the common-sense measure of protecting children from mutilation as “dangerous” and “discriminatory” “attacks against transgender youth,” he grants himself the authority to use the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) as a weapon in Biden’s War on the Family. In his statement, Becerra said, “Any individual or family in Texas who is being targeted by a child welfare investigation because of this discriminatory gubernatorial order is encouraged to contact our Office for Civil Rights to report their experience…. If you believe that you or another party has been discriminated against on the basis of gender identity or disability in seeking to access gender affirming health care, visit the OCR complaint portal to file a complaint online.”

Biden drove that point home in his statement, as well, saying that the administration is

putting the state of Texas on notice that their discriminatory actions put children’s lives at risk. These announcements make clear that rather than weaponizing child protective services against loving families, child welfare agencies should instead expand access to gender-affirming care for transgender children. Respected medical organizations have said that access to gender-affirming care for transgender children can benefit mental health, lower suicide rates, and improve other health outcomes.

And continuing the charade that he gives two hoots for families, he added that families and doctors should “have the freedom to make the medical decisions that are best for each young person.”

Then, again missing the irony of his own statement, he said, “In the United States of America, we respect the rights and dignity of all families. Transgender children bring fulfillment to their parents, joy to their friends, and are made in the image of God.”

Wow. That is actual blasphemy.

Biden made a similarly blasphemous statement in Tuesday’s State of the Union address. Calling on Congress to enact the radically progressive Equality Act, he criticized the “onslaught of state laws targeting transgender Americans and their families,” adding, “As I said last year, especially to our younger transgender Americans, I’ll always have your back as your president so you can be yourself and reach your God-given potential.”

Yes, children — all children — in fact all persons are made in the image of God. And all are born in sin, which mars the soul. Biden wants to do to the body what sin does to the soul. He wants to take the image of God and mutilate it, disfigure it, pervert it. And while it is certainly true that people should be empowered and encouraged to reach their God-given potential, that cannot be done by mutilating the body to fit an already-present mental problem. Instead, the mind should be helped to conform to the reality of the body.

Biden seems either unwilling or unable to face reality himself, so perhaps it would be a bridge too far to expect him to encourage others to do so. Instead, he invokes the Almighty in a perverse attempt to defend perversion.

By invoking God, Biden shows his true colors — and those are the colors of the LGBTQ+ rainbow flag. This writer will end by invoking God as well, but not as Biden did. May God bless the United States of America. And may he have mercy on Joe Biden.