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“LGBTQ+ rights are … a core part of our foreign policy,” said National Security Council spokesman John Kirby last week. He didn’t say if that would be Uncommon Core — but it certainly is to much of the world.

It also may be the hill the last of America’s global influence dies on.

Oh, this isn’t exactly new. In 2011, then-president Barack Obama used U.S. foreign aid as a cudgel to try to pressure African nations into embracing the homosexuality agenda.

It didn’t go well.

African officials described the effort as “abhorrent” and the agenda as “anathema” to most of their continent.

The year before, in 2010, Uganda’s Parliament tabled a bill that included capital punishment for “aggravated homosexuality.” How has American influence evolved since then?

The Ugandan Parliament recently passed that bill, or one just like it. Now Kirby is threatening sanctions against the mainly Christian country if the legislation is signed into law.

Meanwhile, as America has become a sexual-devolutionary “imperialist project,” as one observer put it, China has been making major inroads into Africa. Beijing doesn’t trouble over other nations’ cultural norms, you see; it just wants to do business.

Kirby, seen making his statements in the video below, is not a Biden administration outlier, either.

In fact, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre inveighed against the Ugandan bill last week (video below).

Kirby sanctimoniously proclaimed that individuals must be allowed to live “as they deem fit.” How quaint. Does that apply to Christians unwilling to participate in so-called same-sex weddings or bake cakes for MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka “transgender”) events? Because the administration sure hasn’t said anything about the state-government persecution of such businessmen.

And does Kirby’s principle apply to Christians (and other religious minorities) tyrannized in China and Muslim lands? For, again, we hear crickets about that. Our pseudo-elites will take a stand for the advancement of lust, however — and it’s killing our reputation. As American Thinker explained Saturday, a

good portion of the world sees America as an immoral hegemon, using cultural colonialism to threaten nations that don’t subscribe to what they see as extreme irreligious views.

…When China makes inroads into countries that are not its own, its policy has been to avoid interfering in that country’s social policy questions.

…The Biden administration, however, believes that its cultural standards should be the world’s standards, something that is glaringly obvious when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights. Under the laws of most countries in Africa and the Middle East, and some in Southeast Asia, people who identify as LGBTQ+, and who act on that identification, are engaging in criminal activity.

In 2022, Russia passed a law dubbed, “Answer to Blinken,” that basically criminalizes mentioning in any public space anything related to LGBTQ+. At the time, Putin accused the West’s position on LGBTQ+ of “moving towards open Satanism.”

Several Arab countries would agree. In all the Muslim nations that criminalize LGBTQ+ conduct … [there] is no human right to be LGBTQ+.

(By the way, I’ve long suspected that our pseudo-elites despise Putin at least partially because he’s a white man embracing politically incorrect policy.)

To add nuance, though, it’s not correct to say “We should never impose ‘values.’” We sometimes should — and sometimes have. The Portuguese, Dutch, and British outlawed sati (widow-burning) in India. And the West introduced Christianity to a once-savage world and eliminated cannibalism; human sacrifice; and, where it could, slavery.

But which v-word you’re talking about matters. The problem today isn’t that we’re imposing values; it’s that we’re imposing values that happen to be vices.

It’s ironic, but our leftist pseudo-elites are guilty here of something they once railed against: “ethnocentrism.” They fancy themselves the majority because everyone around them agrees with them; they believe they’re on the “right side of history,” but they confuse history with current events.

Most of the non-Western world rejects the “woke,” sexual-devolutionary agenda; the Jamaican protest seen in the video below reflects this opposition. Moreover, with demographers informing that world religiosity will increase over the coming decades — and with Westerners disappearing due to low fertility rates and taking their “values” with them — rainbow risibility won’t be the future.

It’s shocking that the one other flag our pseudo-elites would choose to fly at our embassies would be the rainbow flag. Explanation?


This was predicted, too. Philosopher G.K. Chesterton wrote in 1926 that “the next great heresy is going to be simply an attack on morality; and especially on sexual morality…. The madness of tomorrow is not in Moscow, but much more in Manhattan.”

And so it is. Africans wondered during Obama’s years why the Americans were so concerned about homosexuality. As a rule, obsessed people don’t recognize their obsession as obsession; they view it as legitimate recognition of an imperative, and will thus enforce it — with their own consciences’ approval.

But make no mistake: When non-Westerners behold our sexual-heresy proselytization, they view us as aliens, as freaks to be resisted and reviled. If Middle-American citizens are aghast at their kids’ sexualization, as witnessed at school-board meetings, how do you think Third Worlders will react? And how much more appealing will they find the Chinese? Note here that in 2021, Beijing prohibited broadcasters from showcasing “sissy men.”

Under Biden especially, America has been losing geopolitical influence. There are multiple reasons for this, front and center being how NATO expansion and our Ukraine involvement have united Russia and China and provided added incentive to dump the dollar. It just may be, however, that our insistence on tying pocketbook and prosperity offers to perversion will be the final hill American influence dies on.