Terrorist Cop-killer Gilbert Paroled. Murdered Two Cops, Brinks Guard in 1981
David Gilbert being escorted by police, October 24, 1981

By November 30, cop-killing communist David Gilbert will be roaming the streets again.

As expected, the parole board freed the terrorist cop-killer pursuant to a new hearing granted by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who gave Gilbert the get-out-of-jail card before he resigned in disgrace

Forty years ago, Gilbert and his equally communist and cop-killer wife, Kathy Boudin, ambushed a Brinks armored car in Nanuet, New York. With their Black Liberation Army and May 19 Communist comrades, the pair killed two cops and a security guard.

Now Gilbert, Boudin, and their son, the troubled and likely outgoing San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, can get together for drinks and dinner with the Weather Underground bombers who raised Chesa, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, as their victims cry out from the grave.

“Slap in the Face”

Gilbert, 77, went before the parole board on October 19, the New York Post reported. It was the day before the 40th anniversary of the murder raid.

Killed in the shootout with the bloodthirsty Red gang were Nyack police Sergeant Edward O’Grady and Officer Waverly Brown. Brinks guard Peter Paige also went down in a hail of gunfire. Convicted of three counts of second-degree murder and four counts of first-degree robbery, Gilbert landed a prison sentence of 75 years to life, with no parole until 2056.

One of the cops who helped bring down Gilbert and his comrades, Arthur Keenan, Jr., told the New York Times that Gilbert’s parole is a “terrible injustice.” Wounded in the shootout with the murderous gang, Keenan calls Cuomo a “traitor.”

Continued the Times:

Ed Day, the Rockland County executive, called the decision to parole Mr. Gilbert “a cruel and unjust slap in the face to the families” of the attack victims. Mr. Day, a Republican, said that Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, “should be ashamed for allowing this domestic terrorist to walk free.”

Understandably, pro-criminal Chesa Boudin is delighted. His cop-killer dad is coming home to enjoy life as a retired terrorist, dandle the grandkids on his knee, and tell them about the old days.

“I am so grateful to the Parole Board and to everyone who has supported my father during his more than 40 years in prison,” Boudin tweeted:

I’m thinking about the other children affected by this crime and want to make sure that nothing I do or say further upsets the victims’ families. Their loved ones will never be forgotten. And I am thinking of the other people inside who have worked so hard to transform their lives and hope one day to return home.

When Cuomo granted clemency, Boudin declared that his father never intended harm.

The Robbery

But that’s what young Boudin would say. The Marxist D.A. is about to be recalled because he won’t prosecute criminals. Boudin is partly responsible for the death of two women killed by a career felon he let out of jail. Of course, Chesa Boudin didn’t intend any harm, either.

Anyway, even leftist Wikipedia can’t hide the simple truth. Gilbert and his Red gang intended a lot of harm, and not just by stealing money, when they attacked the Brinks truck at Nanuet Mall in Nanuet, a hamlet about 30 miles north of Manhattan and west of the Hudson River.

The gang was armed to the teeth and prepared for war:

At 3:55 pm [on October 20, 1981], Brink’s guards Peter Paige and Joseph Trombino emerged from the mall carrying bags of money. As they loaded the money into the truck, the robbers stormed out of their van and attacked. One fired two shotgun blasts into the truck’s bulletproof windshield, while another opened fire with an M16 rifle. Paige was hit multiple times in the chest and killed instantly. Trombino was able to fire a single shot from his handgun, but was struck in the shoulder and arm by several rounds, nearly severing his arm from his body. The truck’s driver, James Kelly, noticing the shooting behind him, fired several rounds at the robbers through a gun port on the door of his truck, but came under heavy gunfire, and took cover underneath the dashboard, but he was hit in the head by glass and bullet shrapnel. The assailants grabbed $1.6 million in cash, got back in their van, and fled the scene…. 

After fleeing the scene, the robbers drove to the parking lot where a yellow Honda and the U-Haul truck, manned by members of the May 19 Communist Organization, were waiting. The robbers quickly threw the bags of money into the car and truck and sped away….

Soon, police officers Edward O’Grady, Waverly Brown, Brian Lennon, and Artie Keenan spotted and pulled over the U-Haul truck, with Boudin in the front seat, along with the yellow Honda at an entrance ramp to the New York State Thruway off New York State Route 59. The police were not sure if they had the right truck, since it had been reported that the robbers were all black, while the occupants of this vehicle were white (a deliberate part of the original plan by the robbers, hoping to fool the police). Since the truck matched the description of the getaway vehicle they were looking for, the officers pulled it over and approached with guns drawn.

The police officers who caught them testified that Boudin, feigning innocence, pleaded with them to put down their guns and convinced them to drop their guard; Boudin said she remained silent, that the officers relaxed spontaneously. After the police lowered their guns, six men armed with automatic weapons and wearing body armor emerged from the back of the truck and began firing upon the four police officers. Officer Brown managed to fire two or three rounds at the robbers before he was hit repeatedly by rifle rounds and collapsed on the ground. One robber then walked up to his prone body and fired several more shots into him with a 9mm handgun, ensuring his death. Keenan was shot in the leg, but managed to duck behind a tree and return fire.

Officer O’Grady lived long enough to empty his revolver, but as he reloaded, he was shot several times with an M16. Ninety minutes later, he died on a hospital operating table. Meanwhile, Lennon, who was in his cruiser when the shootout began, tried to exit out the front passenger door, but O’Grady’s body was wedged up against the door. He watched as the suspects jumped back into the U-Haul and sped directly towards him. Lennon fired his shotgun several times at the speeding truck as it collided with his police car, then fired two rounds from his pistol.

Cops found “bomb-making materials, and detailed blueprints of six Manhattan police precincts” when they raided a terrorist hideout.

Gilbert isn’t the first Brinks killer that Cuomo and the parole board has freed. The leftists also sprung another driver, Judith Clark, in 2019. After Kathy Boudin was paroled in 2003, Columbia University hired her as a professor. President Bill Clinton commuted the sentence of terrorist Susan Rosenberg on his last day in office. She, too, became a college professor.

As terrorist bomber and college professor Bill Ayers said of his life as a free man despite his crimes, “guilty as sin, free as a bird — what a country, America.”