BLM Mob Attacks Cop at Girlfriend’s House. Shot Fired. Pro-BLM Legislator Says It’s a Lie.

Officer Joseph Mensah of the Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, police department found out on Saturday that Black Lives Matter cares less about black lives than it does about intimidating, threatening, and even attacking cops.

The black police officer was at his girlfriend’s house when an angry mob showed up to “protest,” the new code word for BLM’s nationwide terror campaign of arson, vandalism, statue destruction, and wanton violence.

Predictably, they attacked the cop and vandalized the house. Someone fired a shotgun at a door.

A state legislator who joined the raging mob says Mensah and the cops are lying, although video appears to confirm the accounts from Mensah and the police department.

The message from the mob is this: Cops aren’t safe at home.

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Cops’ Accounts
“Last night, protesters came to my girlfriend’s house while I was there, and tried to kill me,” Mensah wrote on his Facebook page.

I was unarmed and tried to defend my property and the property of my girlfriend. We were both assaulted, punched, and ultimately shot at several times. A shotgun round missed me by inches. Not once did I ever swing back or reciprocate any [of] the hate that was being directed at me. I am all for peaceful protests, even against me, but this was anything but peaceful. They threw toilet paper in her trees, broke her windows, and again, shot at both of us as they were trying to kill me. There are children that live there [and they] knew that. The irony in all of this is that they chanted Black Lives Matter the entire time, but had zero regard for any of the black children that live there or me, a black man.

Wauwatosa police reported that the 50-60-strong mob targeted Mensah and “began to vandalize the home.” When Mensah attempted to reason with the angry mob, they attacked him. As he “retreated into his home, armed protesters approached the rear door and a single shotgun round was discharged by a member of the group into Officer Mensah’s back door.”

“This is domestic terrorism,” former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said. “Local, county, state, and federal officials must take action.”

State Representative Says Mensah Lied
That’s not the way it happened, state legislator David Bowen claims.

Representative Bowen, who says he protests every day, offered a much different account in a news release.

“The victim narrative put forth by Mensah and now the Wauwatosa Police Department is totally inaccurate, irresponsible and false,” wrote the lefitst lawmaker:

In my time at the protest in front of Mensah’s home, I personally felt threatened by his actions: spraying pepper spray into the crowd, yelling & inviting protestors to fight him, taking his big dog out to potentially attack people. What ‘responsible’ person, supposedly looking for a peaceful conversation, would do those things?…

No one tried to kill him or his girlfriend. That’s a lie. No one tried to enter his home. That’s a lie. There weren’t several shots fired. Another lie. No protestor shot at the back door. That’s the biggest lie. Joseph Mensah chose to engage with a protestor, and pulled the trigger on that individual’s firearm. From my own experiences Saturday night and the statements made in the time since, I have concluded that Joseph Mensah’s credibility must be questioned. I personally believe that he can not be trusted to tell the truth.

Smartphone video shows vandals toilet-papering Mensah’s home, while a protestor is heard calling Mensah a “murderer.”

“Who just shot, bro?” someone asks.

Mensah’s Record
Bowen wants the cop fired immediately.

While that isn’t likely to happen, the department did suspend Mensah after he fatally shot a young black man, 17-year-old Alvin Cole, at a mall in February. Mall authorities had called the cops because of a “disturbance involving approximately 10 individuals inside the mall.”

Police said Cole fired at Mensah with a handgun during an attempt to flee the officer. On dashcam footage from a patrol car, police are heard shouting at Cole to put down his gun.

Mensah was involved in two other fatal shootings in 2015 and 2016 that prosecutors ruled justifiable self defense, the newspaper reported.

The question police must be asking is this: Do BLM mobs now have a license to hunt down and attack cops at their homes if BLM declares them guilty of murder in the performance of their duties?

H/T: The Blaze

Image: screenshot from YouTube video

R. Cort Kirkwood is a long-time contributor to The New American and a former newspaper editor.