Obama Says Remember George Floyd the Same Day as Mass Shooting in Texas

In one of the most remarkable displays of outright prevarication and tone-deaf insensitivity in the annals of prevarication and insensitivity, former President Barack Obama told two lies and insulted every living soul in Uvalde, Texas, in one fell swoop.

The same day that a homicidal maniac murdered 19 school kids and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas, Obama compared the mass shooting to the “murder” of dope fiend and career criminal George Floyd, who died of an overdose two years ago. But the man who helped Hillary Clinton push the Russian Collusion Hoax didn’t stop there. 

Obama also worked in Trayvon Martin, the thug who tried to kill a man and wound up in a body bag for his trouble.

No apology necessary, though. For leftists, the narrative is the important thing.

The Tweets

“As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to recognize that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd under the knee of a police officer,” Obama tweeted. “His killing stays with us all to this day, especially those who loved him.”

But that wasn’t enough for the world’s most famous community organizer. The mass murder of 19 kids occasioned a few thoughts about “racism”:

In the aftermath of [Floyd’s] murder, a new generation of activists rose up to channel their anguish into organized action, launching a movement to raise awareness of systemic racism and the need for criminal justice and police reform.

Yet Obama still wasn’t finished. He added another tweet with photo of black thug Martin:

Inspired by these young leaders, @MBK_Alliance  launched a Reimagining Policing Pledge for mayors and cities ready to take action. If you’re wondering how you can help make things a little better today, here are some ways to get involved.

That tweet linked to “ANGUISH AND ACTION,” a piece at Obama’s website that offers “resources … to learn what you can do to create a more just and equitable world.”

For the Record

Reckoning which is worse — lies about Floyd and Martin, or Obama’s stratospheric insensitivity in equating the unfortunate but understandable death of black thugs to the mass murder of innocent school kids — is a tough one.

Yet correcting the former is possible. The latter? Hopeless. Leftists are so ideologically hidebound that nothing is beyond the pale.

For the record, as Floyd’s autopsy showed and the coroner confirmed, Officer Derek Chauvin and his fellow police did not “murder” Floyd. He was an unhealthy man with serious cardiovascular problems who had contracted the China Virus. He had overdosed on fentanyl, a narcotic at least 50 times more powerful than morphine, before Chauvin restrained him. Floyd’s breathing trouble began before Chauvin pinned him to the ground.

Chauvin was convicted after Representative Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) threatened riots if the jury returned a not-guilty verdict. Other irregularities at trial, including prosecutorial misconduct, abounded. Leftist law professor Alan Dershowitz said the conviction should be overturned.

Though Obama didn’t claim Martin was murdered, including him in the thread suggested that he died for no good reason; i.e., that “racism” was the reason Zimmerman shot him. In fact, Martin attacked and tried to kill Zimmerman, who shot him in self-defense. Zimmerman was acquitted.

Though leftists tried to mau-mau prosecutors and jurors into convicting Zimmerman, the evidence clearly showed what happened that night, despite what Obama implied.

And like Floyd, Martin was a criminal — or at least starting his criminal career.

Obama has been pushing the Martin party line since at least February.

“It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years since Trayvon Martin was killed,” he tweeted:

Leading up to this anniversary, I reflected on what his death meant to me as president, as a Black parent, and as a Black man — as well as what it meant for our country.

Babylon Bee chief Seth Dillon summed up Obama’s Floyd-Uvalde tweet this way: “It sucks those kids died, but remember George Floyd? He’s who I’m still thinking about.”

Just as you would expect.

The narrative must go on. Nineteen innocent dead kids are nothing compared to the life of a saint such as George Floyd.