FBI Email: Top Brass Fretted That Field Agents Didn’t Buy Democrats’ J6 Narrative

The FBI’s top brass might be leftist Deep State operatives, and the Biden administration might be using the bureau as “secret police” to crush political opposition, but the majority of the bureau’s field agents might still be rank-and-file, middle-American patriots.

A bureau email, released pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act request, shows that field agents aren’t as radical as the top brass in Washington, D.C. Indeed, top brass fretted that a “sizable” contingent of field agents believed the violent, destructive, Antifa-Black Lives Matter insurrections of 2020 were more troubling than the mostly peaceful protest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Yet another blow to the bureau’s once-sterling reputation, the email invites the observation that those same agents probably opposed the bureau’s pushing the Russia Collusion Hoax during the 2016 presidential election. Nor, likely, did they think too much of discussion within the bureau’s top echelon about using the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to overthrow Trump.

The Email

The email is from an unknown official who apologized for sending the missive in the “crush” of the bureau’s probe of the January 6 protest.

“There’s no good way to say it, so I’ll just be direct; from my first-hand and second-hand information from conversations since January 6th there is, at best, a sizable percentage of the employee population that fell sympathetic to the group that stormed the Capitol, and said it was no different than the BLM protests of last summer,” the mystery agent wrote.

Field agents, he wrote, worried that “political correctness” is the “only reason” the protest received so much attention.

The mystery agent then offered a sampling of what he heard from the field offices:

I literally had to explain to an agent from a “blue state” office the difference between opportunists burning & looting during protests that stemmed [from] legitimate grievance to police brutality vs. an insurgent mob whose purpose was to prevent the execution of democratic processes at the behest of a sitting president. One is a smattering of criminals, the other is an organized group of domestic terrorists. 

“Smattering of criminals,” of course, is a lie. Organized BLM-Antifa terrorists have torched cities, advocated murder, assaulted U.S. Marines, attacked cops and federal buildings, and murdered at least one Trump supporter. And, as whoever wrote the email might recall, Antifa terrorists rampaged through Washington, D.C., on Inauguration Day 2017.

The agent’s email can be seen here.

“I was talking to an A/SSA in a ‘red state’ office who was telling me that over 70% of his CT squad + roughly 75% of the agent population in his office, disagreed with the violence ‘but could understand where the frustration was coming from’ which led to the ‘protestors getting carried away,’” the email continued:

An analyst in [a] “purple state” described watching horrified as the events were unfolding on the news, while several co-workers chalked up the insurgency as a “response to everyone being quarantined at home for months” and more “on edge, because so many lost their jobs and lack steady income because of COVID.”

In another case, the email says, agents turned televisions from Fox News to the “far right” Newsmax because the agents thought “Fox News was ‘playing to the left’ and reporting ‘fake news.'”

The unknown author also worried that a retired agent had “a Facebook page full of #StoptheSteal content.”

The redacted email concludes thusly:

[These] are not one-off events — they are representative of a larger group within the organization. 

Do I think they were in the group storming the Capitol? No. But I know that that group of insurgents included state & local police officers and current and retired military personnel. I have seen from news coverage that at least one current federal agent is under investigation for participating in the siege, and that a current Secret Service agent is under admin leave/suspension as his agency investigates the social media postings he made supporting the insurrection. Nothing about how the Bureau is comprised is unique from any of those other organizations….

The email appears in an FBI document dump pursuant to a FOIA request from the FOIAFan Twitter feed.

Elites Vs. Middle America

Strong supporters of the FBI of Hollywood lore, law-and-order Americans have worried for some time that the agency has become a Deep State-Democratic Party police force that would crush political opposition to that apparatus even as it protected it from scrutiny.

Thus, on the one hand, some two dozen agents raided the home of a pro-life Catholic after he roughed up a violent pro-abortion extremist who threatened the pro-lifer’s son, while on the other, FBI brass — with the help of two agents who are Democratic donors — squelched a probe into Hunter Biden’s notorious laptop.

Worse still, a top FBI agent offered up to $1 million to British spy Christopher Steele to verify his notorious dossier, a key part of the Clinton presidential campaign’s Russia Collusion Hoax that failed to derail President Trump. Top bureau personnel seriously discussed pushing Cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to declare Trump incapable of fulfilling his duties.

What rank-and-file agents think of all that we can guess with some confidence.