Dr. Phil Interview Exposes Global Elite Pedophiles

In what may be the most explosive episode of his high-profile television career, psychologist and TV show host Dr. Phil exposed the little-known phenomenon of human trafficking of sex slaves among the elite echelons of society. According to Dr. Phil, the victim, and reliable sources who corroborated her story, the girl — now a young woman, perhaps in her mid-20s — was flown around the world on private jets and forced to have sexual relations and engage in unspeakable acts with wealthy businessmen, political leaders, and other establishment figures. Much of what was described on the the Dr. Phil Show sounded satanic, analysts said.

Experts who have studied the phenomenon, though, say this story is just the tip of a gigantic iceberg that stretches across the globe and is especially concentrated in power centers such as Washington, D.C., New York City, and London. With President Donald Trump vowing to crack down hard on human trafficking and sex slavery, victims and their advocates hope the scourge can be brought into the open — and that the perpetrators can be brought to justice, regardless of their position in society. U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reportedly committed to doing everything within his power to bring down high-level pedophiles and human-traffickers.

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The victim who appeared on Dr. Phil’s enormously popular show, identified only as “Kendall,” said on the program that she was sold to her “owner” by her parents at birth. “I was born into the world of sex trafficking,” she said on the program, which aired nationwide on March 21 and was reportedly seen by millions of Americans. “I was forced to have sex with clients. One of my first memories was to think it was normal for men to be fondling babies.” In one case, she was even forced by her “owner” to kill a baby, she said. In other instances, she was forced to rape children as young as five-years old.  

Her entire existence revolved around the demands of her “owner” and the clients this criminal would pimp her out to. “My whole life I would travel all over the world, and would go to some of the biggest events to meet clients and have sex with them,” the victim explained. “They were all extremely rich and prominent members of society. Sometimes they would just want to have sex with me, and sometimes they would make me have sex with different people.” When her “owner” was not around, she was supervised by “watchers.”

Among those who raped her, she said, were high-ranking law-enforcement officials, major sports figures, and even top U.S. politicians. Oftentimes, she was taken to extravagant mansions where the “clients” would rape, torture, and abuse her and other captive children. Many of the “clients” were “pillars of the community,” Kendall continued, adding that some even owned private islands or large properties where they could rape and “hunt” their victims with impunity.

Indeed, one well-known pedophile with a private island, Bill Clinton’s friend and registered sex offender Jeffery Epstein, had a private plane known as the “Lolita Express” that would fly high-level politicians and businessmen to his so-called “Orgy Island” or “Sex Slave Island” in the U.S. Virgin Islands. There, according to reports and alleged victims, trafficked girls as young as 12 would be forced to have sexual relations with Epstein and his friends — billionaires, politicians, royalty, and others. Bill Clinton rode on the Lolita Express at least 26 times, according to flight logs cited by Fox News, and often ditched his Secret Service protection before hopping onboard.    

Lest Ms. Kendall’s claims be dismissed, Dr. Phil emphasized that her story had been corroborated prior to putting her on the show. “I can tell you that a very reliable source has confirmed to us that Kendall has in fact been trafficked, raped, molested, and severely abused by a very large, very dangerous organization,” Dr. Phil said. Indeed, as The New American and numerous other media sources have documented, her story is hardly unique, and there does appear to be a pattern linking many “elites” to unspeakable crimes perpetrated in the shadows.

Those wealthy and powerful “clients” were responsible for ghastly crimes against Kendall, stretching back to her early childhood and her earliest memories. “The clients were often physically abusive,” she explained, adding that she was often drugged by her captors as well. “Clients were even allowed to smother me with a pillow or plastic bag while having sex with me. But they were never allowed to leave marks or bruises on my face, because I always had to look pretty.”

Kendall’s “owner” told her she was “made for” the abuse, and that her birth parents had created her for that purpose. “It’s the only life I’ve ever known,” she says in the interview, adding that she believed her own three children were also trafficked into slavery and that children would be raped by adults beginning when they were just infants. “All of this was completely normal to me, and I never thought seriously about leaving…. Since I left, it’s been so hard.” Her “owner” had rich and powerful friends all over the world, she added.

Asked how old she was when she was first raped, Kendall said “it was before I could talk.” “I was used to it by the time I was 2,” she added, noting that she does not even know her actual age today because she was a sex slave from the time of her earliest memories. In the interview, she explains that she could even tell the difference between children who were born into the slavery and those who were kidnapped. “The girls who weren’t born into it, they had a harder time,” Kendall said. “They were always kept tied up or in cages, and they cried a lot.”      

“The man who owns me constantly manipulated me and did horrible things to me,” she said. “He would make me be a dog, he made me eat feces, I was kept in a cage — sometimes he would electrocute me as punishment.” In fact, the monstrous “owner” would give her commands like a dog, “like come, or sit, or stay — I would have to obey them or I’d get in trouble.” Sometimes she would have to “be a dog for days,” she added.  Her punishment for not “behaving” was that her owner would “have really rough sex with me, or take a knife and cut me.” He would also wet her and force her to be in the cold, or pretend to drown her in the bath tub.   

In perhaps one of the most grotesque elements of the story, Kendall’s “owner” even brainwashed her into believing her torture and misery were divinely ordained — suggesting that the false “god” of her abusers may be what Christians, Jews, and others recognize as demonic. “He said that all of this was happening because it was god’s will, because god made me for this,” Kendall recounted. Her abusers and rapists also told her “this was the best thing for me,” she said, adding that she had believed them and felt guilty for not appreciating the horrors inflicted on her.

The “owner,” whom Kendall said she witnessed murdering some 20 to 25 people, also threatened her to keep silent, telling her, “if I told anybody about what was going on, that nobody would believe me,” she explained. “I 100 percent believed him. I still believe him.” At one point, the “owner” offered her one chance to leave him in the only way he said was possible: shooting herself in the head. She tried, but the gun did not go off, and then she was punished severely, she told Dr. Phil.       

Of course, the networks of establishment pedophiles and perverts alluded to throughout Dr. Phil’s explosive program last week has become increasingly well known in the age of the Internet. A 1990s documentary called Conspiracy of Silence, available for free online today, also suggests the problem in the United States has existed for generations and reaches into the highest levels of government and power. And more than a few members of the political, business, and media elite have already been exposed.

Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert, for example, was busted last year for attempting to cover up his sexual molestation of underage boys. Unfortunately for the cause of justice, the statute of limitations had already expired on his sexual crimes. But he did plead guilty to charges relating to the cover-up. Illustrating his complete lack of morals or compassion, though, Hastert was recently in the news again for trying to recover the “hush” money he paid to one of his victims because the victim had come forward. The judge in the case called him a “serial child molester.” As The New American reported last year, though, Hastert is just the tip of the iceberg.    

Before Hastert, late BBC celebrity Jimmy Savile was exposed as a pedophile monster who sexually abused hundreds of children over a period of decades — sometimes as part of a satanic ring, according to victims cited in news reports. In 2013, after that scandal exploded, British police announced that their investigation into child sex abuse was widening to include members of the British Parliament as well. However, even the police themselves came under fire for declining on multiple occasions to file charges against Savile.

More than a few advocates suggested corrupt forces within the police department were helping to protect the pedophile ring and its high-ranking, influential members. British Parliamentarian Tom Watson with the Labor Party also spoke of the evidence file used in the 1990s to convict pedophile Peter Righton — a former consultant at the National Children’s Bureau and lecturer for the National Institute for Social Work in London — and said it should be re-examined. The MP said it contained “clear intelligence of a widespread pedophile ring” in the U.K. operating at the highest levels of power.

“One of its members boasts of his links to a senior aide of a former prime minister,” Watson explained on the floor of Parliament. “The leads were not followed up, but if the file still exists I want to ensure that the Metropolitan Police secure the evidence, re-examine it and investigate clear intelligence suggesting a powerful pedophile network linked to Parliament and [government headquarters at Downing Street] Number 10.”

In America, more than a few Clinton associates have also been ensnared in pedophilia-related scandals. As described above, Clinton buddy and known pedophile Epstein is infamous for his proclivities. “Bill Clinton … associated with a man like Jeffrey Epstein, who everyone in New York, certainly within his inner circles, knew was a pedophile,” explained Conchita Sarnoff with the non-profit Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking and the author of a book on Epstein’s case called TrafficKing. “Why would a former president associate with a man like that?”

The Obama administration was so unfazed by the horrors of pedophilia and child rape that it named a U.S. Navy ship after known pedarastic rapist and homosexual activist Harvey Milk. And as The New American has been documenting for years, the Obama administration continued to boost support to United Nations “peacekeeping” schemes even as UN “peace” troops were exposed all over the world raping and trafficking children.  

Meanwhile, e-mails between failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her top aide at the time, Cheryl Mills, deal with Laura Silsby, who was arrested and charged with child abduction and child trafficking in Haiti after the 2010 hurricane there. Silsby and nine others posing as “missionaries” for a phony orphanage were busted by authorities trying to smuggle a busload of 33 Haitian children off the island. And far from being orphans, once Silsby was caught, the parents of the children accused her of lying. Thanks to intervention by Bill and Hillary Clinton, though, Silsby was allowed to leave Haiti with “time served.”   

As The New American‘s senior editor William F. Jasper reported in a November article about the scandals and horrors revealed in Clinton’s e-mails, including tales of bizarre occult rituals, multiple analysts have concluded that Silsby was kidnapping the Haitian children to be sold to child sex rings. “The evidence we have seen thus far does not prove that claim, but neither is it a far-fetched supposition, considering the sordid sexual swamp that many of the high and mighty are mired in, and considering the Epstein-Clinton-Podesta revelations that are pouring out,” Jasper reported. “At the very least, it must be seriously investigated, in light of the evidence available and the global crisis in child sex trafficking.”

A recent “Reality Check” news segment by journalist Ben Swann on the so-called “Pizzagate” scandal, which establishment media outlets have scrambled to declare “fake news,” also links a number of high-profile Clinton associates to pedophilia and human trafficking. After a month-long investigation, Swann — one of the most reputable journalists with a platform on an establishment media outlet — suggests that there is extremely troubling evidence that should be properly investigated. The video report was perhaps the best summary so far of the “Pizzagate” theories.      


In addition to the millions of viewers who watched his show, Dr. Phil’s program highlighting the horrifying crimes of human trafficking and sexual slavery made headlines across America in the alternative media around the world. In the United Kingdom, some of that nation’s leading newspapers have covered the story. And after the story broke, the word spread across the Internet like wildfire, with countless blogs, forums, and alternative media outlets celebrating the breakthrough.  

Trump has also taken a hard line. “I want to make clear that my administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking,” he said after a recent listening session on domestic and international human trafficking at the White House. “I am prepared to bring the full weight our government at the federal level and the highest levels in order to solve this horrific problem. It’s getting worse, and it’s happening in the United States, in addition to the rest of the world…. Solving the human-trafficking epidemic is a priority for my administration.”

Trump’s hard line has been cited by more than a few commentators as one of the reasons why the establishment is freaking out so hysterically over Trump and his administration. Whether more members of the establishment will be ensnared in the horrifying scandals in the months and years to come, though, remains to be seen.


Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, was at the UN climate summit in Paris. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.

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