Democratic Pol Charged With Killing Journalist — Reporter Blames Trump

That Donald Trump, he’s something else. He couldn’t get too many Democrats to vote for him.

But he can, apparently, compel them to kill.

That’s according to a liberal reporter, do note, who apparently couldn’t think of any other way to explain why a Democratic politician (allegedly) stabbed a journalist to death in cold blood.

It never occurred to her that it could be because, as National Review suggested recently, Democrats may “have a murder problem.”

Here’s the story, courtesy of The Federalist, writing Friday: “A Democrat politician in Nevada is accused of fatally stabbing an investigative journalist last week over a series of stories on official misconduct that likely sank the incumbent-turned-defendant’s summer bid for re-election.”

“On Wednesday, police arrested 45-year-old Clark County Administrator Robert Telles over the murder of veteran investigative reporter at the Las Vegas Review-Journal Jeff German, who was stabbed at his home last Friday,” the site continues.

Obviously, though, Telles isn’t the only Nevadan in irrational passion’s grip, as the following example of Trump Derangement Syndrome illustrates. The Federalist again:

A reporter present at a local press briefing with Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo Thursday sought to indict Trump for the crime.

“Sheriff, you said the murder of a journalist is especially troubling. Now is probably not the [appropriate] time to talk politics,” the unnamed female reporter began.

“So why are we talking politics?” Lombardo interrupted.

The reporter continued with her political question.

“Do you condemn former President Trump’s normalization of violence against journalists?” she asked. [Video below; relevant portion begins at 14:59].

“Now is probably not the time to talk politics”? Actually, one gets the feeling no time is the time for that Nevada reporter to talk politics. But perhaps 2020’s 600-plus violent left-wing riots were Trump’s fault, too; after all, if he didn’t exist, or at least if he didn’t have the temerity to enter politics and threaten establishment power, its minions wouldn’t have had to destabilize the country.

Commentating on the matter, pundit Monica Showalter writes that the reporter’s is “an amazingly offensive take, given that a serious crime has happened, not just the killing [of] an innocent man, but the taking of a capable, competent, journalist out of circulation in a mafia-like hit, and sending a chill to all other reporters that the same fate could happen to them should they perform their jobs as fearlessly as German performed his.”

“That’s what happens in places like Mexico, where the cartels have taken power based on their capacity to corrupt local politicians, and now that vile and lethal political tactic has arrived here in the states,” Showalter continues. “That’s what the reporter in the press pool should have been concerned about.”

Perhaps she’s not, though, because she has found a way to avoid such perils: Never, ever challenge the Democratic establishment and dutifully carry its water. After all, Republicans aren’t too likely to go around killing people.

The last line is commentator Jim Geraghty’s take, anyway, as he asked in a recent National Review headline, “Do the Democrats Have a . . . Murder Problem?” Along with the Nevada story, Geraghty mentions that “you probably didn’t hear about the Democratic campaign consultant in New Jersey who pled guilty to conspiracy and murder-for-hire earlier this year.” Yeah, probably not — because the national mainstream media don’t like reporting on such things.

But that story is here at, which doesn’t explicitly mention that the campaign consultant criminal, 44-year-old Sean Caddle, is a Democrat. The closest it comes is writing that a “few months before the 2014 murder, he had formed a super PAC that The Star-Ledger reported had ties to New Jersey Democrats.”

Geraghty also states that only politics wonks “are likely to have heard about the Democratic mega-donor from California who lured men into his apartment and injected them with methamphetamine in exchange for sex, leading to two fatal overdoses.”

“I think we’re starting to see why some in that party were so enthusiastic about the notion of abolishing the police,” Geraghty then quips.

Oh, that Democratic mega-donor is sexagenarian Ed Buck, an erstwhile fixture of West Hollywood’s political scene who now will spend 30 years in a place in which, we hear, bribes aren’t a prerequisite for sex with other men.

Geraghty goes on to point out that while left-wing reporters (i.e., virtually all of them) view GOP scandals as characteristic of conservatives, they consider Democratic transgressions anomalous. “But corruption knows no partisan boundary,” Geraghty writes.

No, it doesn’t — but it does absolutely have a partisan preference. Note here that a Democratic operative named Scott Foval, caught in a 2016 sting operation stealing votes and inciting violence at Trump rallies, essentially admitted himself that Republicans are more honest. “There is a level of adherence to rules on the other side that only when you’re at the very highest level, do you get over,” he said on hidden video.

Also remember why the #MeToo movement likely fizzled: Approximately 90 percent of those brought down by this leftist effort were themselves leftists, by my calculations. (Talk about unintended consequences.)

As for killing, though, isn’t it a stretch saying the Democrats — the party of prenatal infanticide on demand, criminal-enabling D.A.s who put killers back on the streets, and violent BLM/Antifa riots — have a “murder problem?

The late Professor Walter Williams might not have thought so. When on the radio once, I believe filling in for Rush Limbaugh, he said, “I think liberals are basically evil people.” This could just be bias, of course.

Or it could explain why leftism today is not an ideology as much as it is movement toward moral disorder — a force standing in opposition to every virtue and all that is great and good.