Deep State Exposure: Inspector General’s Report Expected to Declare FBI, DOJ Broke Law in Clinton E-mail Probe
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

The much-anticipated and long-awaited report by Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz, shown, is complete, soon to be released, and promises to be explosive. Indications are that the report will declare that the DOJ and FBI broke federal laws in their handling (or deliberate mishandling) of the Clinton e-mail investigation during the 2016 election cycle.

In the ongoing drama featuring Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of supposed Trump/Russia collusion on the one side and the House Intelligence Committee’s and DOJ inspector general’s investigations of the illegal actions of the DOJ and FBI in both the Trump/Russia probe and the Clinton e-mail investigation, the truth is coming out. And it is looking increasingly bad for the Mueller/DOJ/FBI side.

Consider that the various and sundry Trump/Russia collusion investigations — ongoing for more than a year, predating the presidency of Donald Trump — have produced exactly zero evidence that there was any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. And keep in mind that those investigations were spawned by Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, claiming that then-candidate Donald Trump was “Putin’s puppet” and was both the beneficiary of help and the victim of blackmail by the Russian government.

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Furthermore, even highly placed Democrats — including Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), who has left no stone unturned in his witch hunt — have had to admit that they have found no evidence of collusion. The House Intelligence Committee has gone several steps further, exonerating President Trump in its report on the matter, after a year of meticulous investigation. The publicly released summary of that report stated not only that the committee “found no evidence of collusion, coordination, or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians,” but it also called out the “anti-Trump” crowd for feeding “anti-Trump research” (the fake “Trump dossier” created by Christopher Steele) “to the Clinton campaign.”

The House Intelligence Committee’s summary also addresses “problematic contacts between senior intelligence community officials and the media” in connection with the Deep State/Democrat/Trump/Russia witch hunt.

In other words, the two big claims of the liberal establishment — that Trump was Putin’s choice (or, as Hillary Clinton said, his “puppet”) and that Trump colluded with Russia — came up empty. But on the other hand, the anti-Trump (read: Team Clinton) crowd worked to push a fake “dossier” into the investigation while the intelligence community officials among them worked closely with the liberal media.

While no one — not even President Trump’s enemies in politics and the “intelligence community” who started (and kept) the ball rolling — has been able to produce a shred of evidence to support the idea of collusion, there is ample evidence of illegality on the part of his enemies. And those crimes have been referred not once, but at least twice, for criminal investigation.

Now, it appears, the DOJ IG is ready to drop the big bomb. In a previous article on a report of how former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s “stand down” orders in the Clinton e-mail investigations expose the Deep State, this writer addressed the issue of the IG’s previous report, saying, “Given that the previous report led to a referral for criminal charges against McCabe, the upcoming report will likely increase the pressure.”

That report, which was previously said to be scheduled for release by late May, is now complete. Fox News reported Thursday:

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz announced the draft report was done in a letter to members of Congress on Wednesday. He did not say when the results of the review will be officially released to the FBI, DOJ and congressional committees.

But the inspector general said he has provided a draft report to the Department and the FBI, and requested that they review it to identify any information that should be protected from disclosure.

“Additionally, consistent with our usual process, we have asked the Department and FBI to provide us with any comments they wish us to consider regarding the report’s accuracy and completeness,” Horowitz wrote in his letter to lawmakers.

And Breitbart reported:

A new report suggests an imminent Inspector General (IG) report may rule that FBI and Justice Department officials broke the law in their handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

Investigative reporter Paul Sperry said Thursday that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz has “found ‘reasonable grounds’ for believing there has been a violation of federal criminal law in the FBI/DOJ’s handling of the Clinton investigation/s,” adding that the top watchdog official has “referred his findings of potential criminal misconduct to [Utah’s top federal prosecutor John] Huber for possible criminal prosecution.”

And the Wall Street Journal reported:

Multiple subjects of a report on the Justice Department’s handling of a 2016 investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email use have been notified that they can privately review the report by week’s end, signaling the long-awaited document is nearing release.

The report is likely to reignite the volatile debate over the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s handling of the Clinton probe, and it will put Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department’s inspector general, in a familiar place — taking aim at members of the law enforcement community.

Those invited to review the report were told they would have to sign nondisclosure agreements in order to read it, people familiar with the matter said. They are expected to have a few days to craft a response to any criticism in the report, which will then be incorporated in the final version to be released in coming weeks.

Mr. Horowitz told lawmakers last month he expected to issue the report in May, but Tuesday’s notification is the first indication that Mr. Horowitz has largely completed his inquiry. Congressional committees are expected to review the report in coming weeks.

The expectation of referral for more criminal charges related to the scandalous and conspiratorial actions of those who used their positions of power in the FBI and DOJ to protect Clinton from the consequences of her illegal actions while at the same time targeting President Trump in an attempt to end (or at least deligitimize) his presidency is just one more line in the litany of shameful actions of the Deep State and its operatives.

That litany includes former FBI Director Comey, who protected Clinton by deciding months before the Clinton investigation was complete — and even before Clinton had been questioned — that she would not face charges.

It also includes FBI agent Peter Strzok and his mistress, DOJ lawyer Lisa Page, who discussed, in thousands of text messages, the “secret society” within the DOJ and FBI that worked to protect Clinton and attack Trump. Those messages go so far as to mention an “insurance policy” to get rid of Trump if he were elected. The myriad investigations of Trump/Russia collusion appear to be at least riders attached to that “insurance policy.”

It certainly includes McCabe, who (besides protecting Clinton by issuing two separate “stand down” orders to investigators) is mentioned as “Andy” in one of the Strzok/Page text messages after a meeting in McCabe’s office to discuss the “secret society” implementing its “insurance policy.” McCabe is also one of the “senior Intelligence Community officials” who the House Intelligence Committee report summary mentions having “problematic contacts” with “the media.” He provided information to a Wall Street Journal reporter and then lied to investigators about it — leading to both his firing and a referral for criminal charges.

It includes all the Deep State operatives involved in placing a spy in the Trump campaign and all the people — including Attorney General Jeff Sessions — who moved heaven and earth to stonewall the House Intelligence Committee learning more about that spy.

It includes Mueller, who — even with recently leaked Strzok/Page text messages showing the collusion narrative was manufactured by President Trump’s enemies and has no foundation in truth — continues to justify his witch hunt as a legitimate investigation.

And it includes “all DOJ and FBI personnel responsible for signing the Carter Page warrant application that contained unverified and/or false information.” That list — derived from a letter sent to the DOJ by nearly a dozen Republican members of Congress — in turn includes but is “not limited to” Comey, McCabe, former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, and former Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente.

IG Horowitz’s pending report may add a few more names to that litany; it will almost certainly cause a few heads to roll as more and more of the Deep State is dragged out into the light of exposure.

Image of Michael Horowitz: Screenshot from youtube video by the National Whistleblower Center