D.C. Antifa Leader Who Advocated Murder Arrested for Attack on Marines

The hate-spewing communist who advocated murdering the rich on social media while he worked as a key progressive activist is, police allege, a dangerous felon who belongs in jail.

That communist is Antifa leader José Alcoff, whose arrest in connection with attacking two Marines in Philadelphia in November proves that Antifa is not the loose coalition of “protesters” some might think. Rather, it appears to be a highly-organized terror group that mobilizes strike forces whenever and wherever it can.

Alcoff’s arrest is the nexus of two stories.

The first is about the hateful attack on the Marines; the other is about Alcoff, whom the Daily Caller News Foundation exposed as a possibly crazed nut who wants to kill people, yet worked shoulder-to-shoulder with top elected Democrats in his day job.

Marines Attacked
On November 17, Antifa goons in Philadelphia attacked two U.S. Marines, Luis Torres and Alejandro Godinez. The leftist thugs were in Philly to oppose a “We The People” rally organized by the Proud Boys, an “alt-right” group.

The goons wrongly fingered Torres and Godinez as Proud Boys and attacked. Philly magazine reported their testimony during a preliminary on December 13 for Thomas Massey and Thomas Keenan, whom police arrested in connection with the attack:

Marines testified that Keenan, Massey, and approximately ten other people — men and women, some masked and some unmasked — then began attacking them with mace, punches, and kicks, and calling them “nazis” and “white supremacists.”

On the stand, Godinez said that he was “bewildered” by being called a white supremacist and immediately cried out, “I’m Mexican!” After that, as the attack continued, both men said that members of the group, including Keenan, repeatedly used ethnic slurs, including “spic” and “wetback,” against the Marines. (There was no testimony that Massey used any such language.)

Godinez testified that he was maced at least six times, hit in the head, and kicked in the ribs, and he said that while he was being “stomped,” members of the group, which the judge and the district attorney’s office have both referred to as a “mob,” chanted “f**k him up” over and over again.

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Alcoff Exposed
Five days after that hearing, DCNF published its exposé about Alcoff, who led a double life.

By day, Alcoff worked for the leftist Americans for Financial Reform. He lobbied against predatory payday loans. But that wasn’t the real Alcoff, which DCNF uncovered on social media. Alcoff, who affects something of the hirsute mien of mass-murderer Ché Guevara, spread communist poison and advocated murder on social media under the names José Martin, “Chepe,” and “Sabokitty.”

On Twitter, he has explained that “the left wins nothing w/ nonviolence,” and that his followers must learn how to deliver “a good neck punch.” As well, Alcoff wrote, police lives don’t matter: “They can all burn in Hell.”

The “progressive” friend of top Democrats also hopes that President Trump suffers a “very public death at the hands of the pitchfork wielding exploited, a public execution that befits Trump’s stature.”

Alcoff has also worked with Smash Racism, D.C., the leftist outfit that besieged the home of Fox talker Tucker Carlson and terrorized Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and his wife at a restaurant during the confirmation hearings of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Yet “in his professional capacity,” DCNF reported, “he’s been quoted in press releases from Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein of California and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin and appeared at an event with Democratic Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia outside the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in March and has been pictured alongside Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown and California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters.”

On December 21, DCNF disclosed that Alcoff is connected to Keenan, one of the suspects in the attack. Police in New Jersey collared the two in 2011 for rioting.

Arrest in Attack on Marines
The two stories converged in Alcoff’s arrest on January 10. The city’s district attorney, Philly reported, charged him with multiple felonies, including aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation, and conspiracy. Alcoff pleaded not guilty and is out on bail.

How did they catch him? Torres saw the DCNF story that linked Alcoff to Keenan.

When Torres saw Alcoff’s photo, Philly reported, he called the cops and showed them his photos of the suspects during the attack. Police “strongly agree” that Alcoff is in the photos.

Alcoff no longer works at Americans for Financial Reform. Apparently, someone who advocates murder isn’t the best advocate for the group’s cause.

Image: screenshot from YouTube video about Alcoff by Daily Caller New Foundation