Cops Refuse to Arrest Tranny Who Met With Pedophile Hunter Posing as Nine-year-old Online

Police in Berkeley, California, have not arrested a man caught in an online pedophile sting, even though professional predator hunters provided evidence that the man showed up in a public park to molest one or more children.

The predator hunters are Alex Rosen and his crew, who run an outfit called Predator Poachers. The accused is a man who calls himself Sophia Westfall.

In June, Rosen involved Westfall in an online conversation in which Westfall, Rosen alleges, thought he was texting with a nine-year-old. The video Rosen posted to YouTube on August 20 shows a clearly scared Westfall trying to flee, and police interviewing both men.

Result: Nothing happened.

Disturbing Messages

The trouble for the twisted tranny began with the conversations with a decoy, the feminist Reduxx website reported, whom Westfall thought was a nine-year-old girl. Rosen gave the website screenshots of the conversation.

Westfall told the decoy that “he masturbates to thoughts about her, and suggests a number of ways he wants to molest her,” the website reported:

“I’m thinking of other things too, but maybe tickles too,” Westfell [sic] wrote in one message, “Kisses and touches all over. Kisses between your legs especially!”

Disturbingly, Westfall suggested that he wanted to sexually abuse the girl’s 6-year-old sister, saying “well, you know I love young girls. I’m just excited thinking how fun it could be to play in bed with both of you!”

But six wasn’t young enough. When the decoy told Westfall that she had a one-year-old sibling, Westfall replied enthusiastically with an exclamation point: “That doesn’t bother me. Never too young to start learning!”

Westfall also explained how to masturbate or fellate a boy, which “can absolutely be exciting,” the messages show.

“Leave Me Alone”

The nearly 20-minute video of the meet at Berkeley’s Strawberry Creek Park shows a clearly worried Westfall repeatedly trying to get away from Rosen, who confronts him with the transcripts of the online conversations.

“Leave me alone,” Westfall repeatedly says. “I don’t want to talk to you.”

When police show up, they don’t arrest Westfall, despite the evidence Rosen gives them. Cops did admonish Rosen for “misgendering” Westfall.

“Based on what we showed them … It should have been an instant arrest,” Rosen told Reduxx:

Especially with the lewd [images] he had sent. I have never had a predator who was trying to molest a 1-year-old, and unfortunately there have been a few, that was not arrested on the spot. [Police] said they needed to gather more evidence and check with the District Attorney. But a place like Berkeley, like New York City, they are known for not locking up criminals.

City cops claim they investigated, but that Predator Poachers hasn’t cooperated.

“Officers followed-up with the reporting party to verify/corroborate their claims, but the reporting party has not re-contacted us with information we have requested to continue to the investigation — despite repeated requests,” the department said.

Westfall’s tweets are protected and his WordPress website is private.

Reduxx linked to Westfall’s archived review of Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children From Sex, which says “sex is not necessarily bad for minors” and frets about “pathologizing young children’s eroticized play,” as the blurb at says. 

And not propagandizing kids with leftist messages will “predispose young people to have bad sex with unwanted outcomes.”

No wonder Westfall liked the book. It just happens to justify his deviant tendencies.

Predator Poachers’ other stings have led to arrests and felony convictions.