Black-on-white Violence Rampant, Ignored by Authorities and Media

Imagine you’re walking down the street and someone sucker punches you, breaking your glasses and swelling your lip. Your attacker then continues raining down blows upon you, spits on you, and pejoratively refers to your religious orientation while provoking you to fight. Imagine this happens in front of tens of witnesses who are willing to corroborate events.

Now imagine that the authorities tell you no arrest can be made because the incident wasn’t witnessed by a police officer.

But no imagination is necessary because this is precisely what happened to Jewish dentist Elliot Einbinder on September 11 as he was walking on Smith Ave. in Baltimore, Maryland. His attacker was a 24-year-old black female who, after initially lying to the police and claiming Dr. Einbinder initiated the confrontation, admitted she was “just having a bad day.” Baltimore Jewish Life explains the police inaction, writing, “Apparently an attack of this sort is considered a 2nd Degree Assault and unless witnessed by a Police Officer, and/or unless any type of weapon is used[,] an arrest cannot be made.… The victim must take the information to a court commissioner. The commissioner determines whether to issue a warrant for the perpetrators [sic] arrest or to send a summons for them to appear in court.” This is despite the incident smacking of a “hate crime,” with the assailant — who hasn’t even been named and shamed — challenging Dr. Einbinder with, “C’mon, fight me, Jew.”

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Yet this is just the iceberg’s tip. Much like politically correct authorities who turned a blind eye to an Islamic white sex-slave trade in the U.K. — a story on which The New American has reported extensively — there has largely been a media and government blackout on black-on-white crime in America.

And Einbinder was fortunate. While he was assaulted by a single female attacker he was able to fend off, black-on-white violence often involves mobs attacking individuals they greatly outnumber — and sometimes inflicting serious injury. Just earlier this month, for instance, three Kroger employees in Memphis, Tennessee, were beaten into unconsciousness by a group of black teens. This came just about two weeks after a black mob, angry about the Michael Brown shooting, hurled racial epithets while viciously assaulting two white men in West Point, Mississippi, leaving one in a coma.

If you didn’t hear about these crimes, it’s no surprise. They didn’t receive the attention the George Zimmerman case did; they didn’t figure prominently on the nightly news or in papers that provide “all the news that’s fit to print.” As Thomas Sowell wrote:

Are race riots not news?

Ignoring racial violence only guarantees that it will get worse. The Chicago Tribune has publicly rationalized its filtering out of any racial identification of attackers and their victims, even though the media do not hesitate to mention race when decrying statistical disparities in arrest or imprisonment rates.

And it is getting worse. So much so, that Colin Flaherty — author of the book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America and how the media ignore it — has seen fit to treat the matter in three articles during just the last week and a half alone. First he reported on the racial-violence epidemic in Milwaukee, which has plagued the Wisconsin State Fair, the Mayfair Mall, soccer fields, funerals, buses, roller skating rinks, nightclubs, schools, and court rooms; has caused the cancellation of River Splash, the relocation of Greek Fest; and has become a ritual at the “Juneteenth” party. As for the 2012 Juneteenth, Flaherty wrote, “A local news helicopter captured some of the carnage: Hundreds of black people storming up a street, surrounding a car, pulling the occupants out, beating them. Then doing it again to another car. More victims.”

And now racial violence is affecting a yearly event called Tosa Fest, where at the early September “family affair,” “A large group of black people were milling around, then attacking people, then throwing things,” wrote Flaherty. Don’t tell this to Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, columnist Jim Stingl, and talk-show host Jeff Wagner, though — they claim the violence had no racial component.

However, black (and white) witnesses tell a different tale. As Daeja_Waejaaa on Twitter wrote, “TosaFest Was fun until they started acting a fool. Another thing the white ppl can say about us Blacks.” And as a black teenage video blogger named Mike Hagler said about the rioters, “That’s how y’all acting, like animals. And it is crazy to say, it’s our own people acting like that.”

Then there is Baltimore, where, reports Flaherty, authorities have found a foolproof way to improve crime statistics: stop arresting people.

In other words, Einbinder’s Charm City experience isn’t unusual. When one New Jersey visitor asked what happened to a large black flash mob that rampaged through the upscale Inner Harbor area in front of her hotel, assaulting people and vandalizing property, Baltimore Sun crime apologist Peter Hermann said, wrote Flaherty, that “what seemed ‘scary’ to her … was ‘normal and routine’ to grizzled observers of the gritty Baltimore crime beat. Police ‘made no arrests, saw no crime, had no reason to make an announcement. There’s not even a report — it’s just something that happens,’ he said.”

Something else that just happened was 50 to 100 black folks committing violence and vandalism at a local swimming pool and then stealing 40 bikes from a city-owned concession.

Police reaction?

Same as above.

Ditto for the local bicyclist who was knocked from his bike and beaten — even though the incident was caught on video. Rinse, wash, and repeat for a Baltimore-area bowling alley that has become “the scene of dozens of episodes of large-scale black mob violence over the last several years,” with violence spilling over into surrounding neighborhoods, reports Flaherty. As he explains, “All the usual stuff: Bricks through police car windows, looting nearby stores, assaulting neighbors, over and over and over. And the official reaction: Put the criminals on a bus back to Baltimore with stern admonitions not to do it again.”

These and the rest of the eight million stories in the naked city inspired Maryland legislator Pat McDonough to ask that Baltimore be declared a “No-Travel-Zone.” After all, wrote Flaherty, “Police will not arrest black criminals. Juries will not convict them,” and a correspondent told him, “Anyone who isn’t black is a target.” But Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake doesn’t want to return to the days of “mass arrests.” She loves being able to say that crime is “down.”

Crime is similarly down in other cities, too. As Flaherty recounts in his most recent piece:

• In Cincinnati “A bus full of black students beat two sisters, on video.… A few days before that, another bus full of black people beat, then robbed a white man after a Labor Day party. Then they stole a bike. All the time laughing. All of it on high-definition video.”

• “Every six months, large groups of black people disrupt [Dayton’s “Urban Nights” festival] … with fighting, mayhem and property destruction.” The police chief says it’s “not that big of a deal.”

• In Antioch, California, “Black mob violence involving hundreds of people at a local shopping center near a school is now so intense and so frequent that McDonald’s and Taco Bell are closing their doors when a nearby school lets out.” The police chief there said it’s not his business because it happens on “private property.”

Flaherty records similar events in London, England; Kansas City, Kansas; Brooklyn, New York; Athens, Georgia; and St. Louis, Missouri, among other places.

And the statistics bear these anecdotes out. As professor Walter Williams reported in 2007, “According to the 2004 FBI National Crime Victimization Survey, in most instances of interracial crimes, the victim is white and the perpetrator is black. In the case of interracial murder for 2004, where the race of victim and perpetrator is known, more than twice as many whites were murdered by a black than cases of a white murdering a black [note: Hispanics are included in the “white” category here].”

Moreover, the consequences of ignoring black-on-white crime are serious. As Williams summed up, “The failure of civil rights leaders, people like Jackson and Sharpton, as well as politicians to vocally condemn black-on-white crime — and the relative silence of the news media in reporting it — is not simply a matter of double standards. It’s dangerous, for it contributes to a pile of racial kindling awaiting a racial arsonist to set it ablaze. I can’t think of better recruitment gifts for America’s racists, either white or black.”