Black Lives Matter Booster Wants ALL Christian Imagery DESTROYED — if It Portrays Jesus as White

Christian iconography doesn’t matter to Black Lives Matter booster and hard-left activist Shaun King — that is, if it happens to portray Jesus and other biblical figures as white.

In fact, he wants it destroyed.

Obviously inspired by the cultural revolution claiming statues coast to coast and fearing descent into irrelevancy, King expressed the above in two Monday tweets, making news in the process. The first one reads:


Then, to be sure everyone knew he was applying his “Taliban rule” to all Christian iconography, he followed up with:


King, a left-wing journalist who co-founded the “Real Justice PAC” — a group aiming to help elect hard-left, criminal-enabling prosecutors — is an opportunist (he has been accused of fundraising corruption) and obviously wants attention. But since he has gotten it, and because his words can affect our cultural revolution’s direction, they should be addressed.

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Twitter respondents were quick to do so, too. Some pointed out (one tweet below) that it’s customary for cultures “to portray prominent religious figures to look like the dominant racial identity,” as related, quoting University of Iowa religious studies professor Robert Cargill.

Another example:

And yet another, which is identified as a portrayal of the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus:

Of course, this all makes sense. We don’t know Jesus’ precise appearance, and to Christians the point is not His race but nature and purpose: that He is God and man and offers salvation for all people.

As for Western portrayals, American Thinker adds perspective, writing that “Christian iconography as we know it developed in a white world that had no sense of Jesus and Mary as historical figures and did not traffic in race. Instead, the medieval world divided the world into religious categories (Christian, Jewish, or Muslim) and regional categories (the British region, the French region, the Spanish region, the Italian region, etc.).”

So, in reality, King and his cultural revolutionary subjects are the actual “racists” here, for implicit in their prescriptions is that every group can have its culture-specific Christian iconography — except whites.

Some on Twitter (example below) also corrected King on the Holy Family’s flight to Egypt.

Moreover, first century Egypt was a demographically heterogeneous land that was part of the Roman Empire; note, too, that it wasn’t even Arab at the time (Egypt became so after the seventh-century Islamic invasion).

Yet even if it had been, there’s an irony here. As another Twitter user responded:

Then, because seeing is believing, there’s this:

Little known is that, anthropologically speaking, there are only a few racial categories (but a multitude of ethnicities), and Arabs — along with Persians and even most Indians — are classified as “Caucasian.” Moreover, since Jesus was a Semite, He would have presumably fallen into this category, too.

Of course, it’s true that the American, man-on-the-street conception of “white” relates to Caucasians of European descent. This brings us to how King is also no stranger to creative racial classification.

After all, the light-complected racial activist has been accused of lying about his race for personal gain, as the Daily Mail reported in 2015. And while he “identifies as ‘black or biracial’,” according to Gawker, critics have mocked him as “Talcum X” and have cited the pictures below to buttress their case.

I can’t confirm or refute King’s claims, and aside from the picture in the lower left-hand corner (which is him), I also can’t confirm the authenticity of all the above photos. But I do prefer the matter-of-fact honesty of, let’s say, golfer Tiger Woods. He calls himself “Cablinasian” in recognition of his entire heritage: Caucasian, black, American Indian, and Asian.

(As for King’s insistence I believe his racial identity, it’s just a bit too much like 1984’sHow many fingers am I holding up, Winston?”) The bottom line is that a complaint about (an allegedly) swarthy Jesus being portrayed as white is most ironic coming from a white-skinned man portraying himself as black.

It may seem funny, too, but what’s no laughing matter is that King just further tips the cultural revolutionaries’ hand. Their civilizational “innovation” was never just about toppling Confederate statues, and it won’t stop with Christopher Columbus or even the Founding Fathers. If they attain enough power, the white Christian iconography would surely go — to be followed by all Christian iconography. For insatiable hate burns all, and destroyers will destroy.

This should be borne in mind by anyone inclined to listen to what a King of lies says about the Prince of Peace.

Photo: imamember / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Selwyn Duke (@SelwynDuke) has written for The New American for more than a decade. He has also written for The Hill, The Observer, The American Conservative, WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and many other print and online publications. In addition, he has contributed to college textbooks published by Gale-Cengage Learning, has appeared on television, and is a frequent guest on radio.