Roger Stone Calls Out Swamp Creatures in Trump Administration

In this exclusive interview with The New American magazine, longtime political operative Roger Stone explains that the Deep State swamp infesting the federal government is a threat to America and its liberties. Among the swamp creatures in the Trump administration called out by name is globalist National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, a Bilderberg attendee and a member of the world government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations. “He is a quisling who agrees with nothing Donald Trump says,” Stone explained. Another Deep State operative who should be removed is Rod Rosenstein at the FBI. “The president should fire him,” Stone said. Finally, Trump and Attorney Jeff Sessions should appoint a Special Prosecutor who would investigate the Uranium One scandal. Stone suggested the FBI’s Robert Mueller, Andrew McCabe, James Comey, and Rosenstein were all implicated in the crimes. “These men are criminals and they covered up treason,” Stone said. “I say, lock them up!”