Critical Race Theory
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Critical Race Theory

Under the guise of eradicating racism and division, Critical Race Theory does the opposite. ...
Dr. Duke Pesta
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

On April 13, Andrew Gutmann pulled his daughter out of New York City’s elite Brearley School for girls. Evidently $54,000 a year does not guarantee an education free of progressive privilege, manipulation, racism, and white-shaming. On the way out, he mailed a letter to all 600 or so remaining families, urging them to speak out against the inhumane “anti-racism” initiatives that were tearing the school apart: 

It cannot be stated strongly enough that Brearley’s obsession with race must stop. It should be abundantly clear to any thinking parent that Brearley has completely lost its way. The administration and the Board of Trustees have displayed a cowardly and appalling lack of leadership by appeasing an anti-intellectual, illiberal mob, and then allowing the school to be captured by that same mob.

The letter went viral, and Gutmann understood from the overwhelming responses of other frustrated families that fighting off the imperatives of Critical Race Theory was not just a “conservative” issue anymore. He heard from liberals, conservatives, moderates, and people who considered themselves apolitical. He even received heartbreaking replies from parents who immigrated to the United States from Eastern Europe, people whose families had fled the former Soviet Union decades ago, only to find Critical Race Theory consuming the administration and faculty of Brearley and warping the curriculum with race-baiting, political purity pledges, ideological litmus tests, and purges. It was communism all over again. 

Reflecting on the consequences of Brearley’s anti-education betrayal of the students, Gutmann lamented:

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