Civil Unrest
Black Lives Matter Behind the Facade
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Black Lives Matter Behind the Facade

The group Black Lives Matter is not, as its name suggests, concerned with saving black lives. It is about promoting radical Marxism in the country — nothing more. ...
Alex Newman
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

At this point, the scenes of pampered white college kids with purple and green hair shouting at black police officers about how “BLACK LIVES MATTER” have become something of a joke among sensible Americans — and within the law-enforcement community. However, the Marxist organization calling itself “Black Lives Matter”  (BLM) is no laughing matter. In fact, this organization poses an extreme threat not just to blue lives, but to the communities they protect as well.

Among the most significant threats posed by BLM is the violence its members and leaders have unleashed in cities and towns across America — especially against police and those who seek to protect life and property. Amid BLM unrest and rioting in St. Louis, for instance, a 24-year-old involved in the chaos has been charged with murder for shooting and killing retired St. Louis Police Captain David Dorn, a black man who was helping to defend his community. As BLM protests swept America in 2016, a “black power” activist shot 12 police officers, killing five, after a BLM rally in Dallas, Texas.

Civilians are in the cross hairs, too. During a BLM protest in Provo, Utah, in June, BLM activist Jesse Taggart, 33, of Salt Lake City, began shooting passers-by. He was charged with attempted aggravated murder, aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury, rioting, and more. More recently, when young mother Jessica Doty Whitaker of Indianapolis responded by saying “All Lives Matter” after being confronted by BLM activists, they shot her in the head and killed her. BLM activists then taunted her family on social media.

BLM activists have been terrorizing churches, too, even burning one to the ground in Kenosha, Wisconsin, despite the “Black Lives Matter” sign outside. In Troy, New York, BLM activists beat church attendees, shrieked at black members of the church, chanted “hail Satan” outside, and threatened to burn it to the ground. Outraged about a gun giveaway, the mob also threatened to call Child Protective Services on parents there. A shrieking mob of BLM activists in D.C. confronted a couple for refusing to raise their fist in solidarity, with one asking the victim, “Are you Christian?”

BLM leader Tef Poe, who was flown to Geneva to testify at the United Nations “Human Rights Council” about the alleged evils of American police, promised on social media to “slap these Ferguson pigs with war crime charges and torture charges.” He also took to Twitter to threaten “white people” that he and other “young [expletive removed] such as myself are fully hell bent on inciting riots everywhere we go.” He was not kidding, and there are plenty of others who feel the same way, as recent months have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Charles Wade, another BLM extremist, was also flown to Geneva to speak at the UN Human Rights Council, which was re-constituted and supposedly improved after Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi was elected to lead it but still includes many of the most savage mass-murdering regimes on Earth as members. (Trump ended U.S. participation in the discredited UN body.) In 2016, Wade was arrested for child trafficking and prostituting a child after he was caught pimping out a teenage girl from a hotel room.

Those heinous crimes are just the tip of the iceberg. In towns and communities across America, BLM leaders and activists have been charged with vandalism, looting, rioting, unlawful assembly, and more while burning down buildings and terrorizing local residents. Minority neighborhoods and minority-owned businesses have been particularly hard hit as young, white BLM activists from the suburbs go into inner-city communities to riot and unleash terror under the guise of “protecting” black lives. But there is a method to the apparent madness.

Marxist Group Involved in Occult

That BLM is a Marxist group working to tear down the family and destroy freedom under the obviously phony guise of protecting “Black Lives” is something of a truism at this point — it’s beyond dispute. In fact, BLM founders boast about it. “We are trained Marxists,” bragged BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors when asked about the group’s “ideological frame” in a now-infamous interview with The Real News Network. “We are super, uh, versed, um, on, sort of, ideological theories.” 

Separately, another BLM co-founder, self-styled “queer feminist” Alicia Garza, acknowledged that convicted communist and cop killer Assata Shakur was the primary inspiration for the group. “When I use Assata’s powerful demand in my organizing work, I always begin by sharing where it comes from, sharing about Assata’s significance to the Black Liberation Movement,” Garza explained in a piece about the origins of BLM. Many BLM activists continue to wear shirts that say “Assata Taught Me” during protests. Assata was convicted of helping to brutally murder New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster 47 years ago.

It’s not just Marxist ideology that BLM is infatuated with. In fact, the group and its leaders love mass-murdering Marxist dictators, too. While BLM regularly demonizes President Trump as a racist tyrant, the group openly celebrated the late mass-murdering communist tyrant who enslaved Cuba, Fidel Castro. When the dictator died, after impoverishing one of the richest nations in the Western hemisphere and driving a million refugees out of Cuba, BLM expressed an “overwhelming sense of loss.” BLM praised “El Commandante” Castro for, among other things, protecting Shakur, “who continues to inspire us.”

The last of the three BLM co-founders, Nigerian-American Opal Tometi, is a proud and open supporter of mass-murdering Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro. The brutal socialist regime — Cuba’s closest ally — has slaughtered and tortured thousands of dissidents in recent years. Photographs of Tometi hugging the dictator during a summit have been circulating online for months, with one photo even appearing on a Venezuelan state-owned propaganda website. During her speech at the event, Tometi quoted Shakur. Interestingly, senior officials in Maduro’s “Bolivarian” regime have cryptically boasted of sending a “Bolivarian Breeze” of unrest to the United States.

One of the leading fundraisers for BLM, vice chair of Thousand Currents Susan Rosenberg, is an actual convicted terrorist who was a member of the communist terrorist group Weather Underground. Among other crimes, Rosenberg was convicted for her role in the 1983 bombings of the U.S. Capitol Building, the U.S. Naval War College, and the New York Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association. The Weathermen were working with Communist Cuban intelligence. According to FBI operative Larry Grathwohl, who infiltrated the leadership, the plan was to work with foreign enemy powers to occupy the United States, intern tens of millions of Americans, and “liquidate” some 25 million who could not be re-educated.

Key planks of Marx’s communist ideology are openly promoted on the BLM website. Under the headline “What We Believe,” for instance, the radical group promotes the Marxist ideal of dismantling the nuclear family and replacing it with communal women and communal child rearing. “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure,” the statement of beliefs explains, saying that “villages” should be in charge of raising children rather than parents. BLM also brags about fostering a “queer-affirming network” that will “dis-mantle cisgender privilege.”

One of the key tactics used by Marxists to overthrow nations and societies is to divide them up into various groups, labeling some as “oppressors” and others as “victims.” In Russia, the primary division exploited by communists was “class,” with everyone being divided into “proletariat” or “bourgeoisie” as well-funded and highly trained Marxist agitators fanned the flames of hate and resentment. In more prosperous Western nations such as the United States, those tactics proved less effective. And so Soviet and international communist operatives began to fan the flames of race hatred in the United States instead.

In essence, Marxism is a repudiation of everything that underpins Western civilization and the United States: private property, the idea that all are created equal, the nuclear family, values rooted in the biblical tradition, and now even basic truths about biological gender. In the book Marx and Satan, Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, after being tortured for almost a decade in a communist prison, argued that the communist ideologist was not an atheist, but rather an ardent hater of God. He cited Marx’s own writings as evidence. Governments inspired by Marx slaughtered over 100 million of their own people during the 20th century.

Interestingly, BLM co-founder Cullors was caught on tape talking with the founder of BLM Los Angeles about their summoning of spirits. “Hashtags are for us, are way more than a hashtag, it is, um, literally almost resurrecting a spirit so they can work through us to get the work that we need to get done,” said Cullors, adding that BLM is a “spiritual” movement more than anything. “I started to feel personally connected and responsible and accountable to them, both from a deeply political place, but also from a deeply spiritual place.” The BLM LA leader described speaking to a spiritual entity named “Wakisha,” saying, “I didn’t meet her in her body.”

Not About Black Lives

Of course, the name Black Lives Matter was very strategic, since virtually nobody would disagree with that premise. But if the KKK renamed itself Don’t Torture Puppies (DTP), would speaking out against the KKK be tantamount to support for torturing baby canines? Obviously not. The same is true with BLM. In fact, activists who have been involved in BLM protests told the Law Enforcement Intelligence Brief  that the national organization Black Lives Matter does not represent all of those protesting in the street, many of whom are simply seeking what they see as justice over alleged police abuses against minorities.

Clearly, BLM is not actually about “black lives,” either. The entire premise of the movement is the allegation that systemically racist police in the United States are murdering and oppressing black Americans on a large scale. They also claim that America is a systemically racist nation that keeps black people down. However, the facts show just the opposite to be true.

For starters, America is the only nation in the world founded on the “self-evident” truth that all people are “created equal” and are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” Second, as explained recently by Exodus Faith Ministries head Bishop E.W. Jackson, who is black, Americans of African descent do better than those of African heritage anywhere on the planet. Nigerian immigrants to the United States do better on average than European-descent Americans, too.

The data on police is clear, too. According to statistics published by the Wall Street Journal, “A police officer is 18 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.” Many of the officers murdered by black males were black. And despite the media narrative, just nine unarmed black men were shot and killed by police in 2019, compared with 19 unarmed whites, the data reveal. Ironically, multiple studies have revealed that police are actually more likely to shoot white suspects than black suspects.

But if BLM were truly concerned about black lives, there would be plenty of work to do. When retired Police Captain David Dorn was murdered protecting his community during a BLM riot, no BLM leaders or spokesmen shed a single tear. Not a peep has been spoken by BLM or its allies about the over 7,000 black men who died at the hands of other black men in 2019. Nor has BLM even mentioned the fact that Planned Parenthood aborts over 250 black unborn babies every single day.

Behind the Scenes

Following the money reveals a great deal. Even before there was a real “Black Lives Matter” movement, radical left-wing billionaire George Soros was funding efforts to create it. In a 2015 report from the Open Society Foundations’ U.S. Programs Board, the Soros machine boasted of spending $650,000 to “invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.” The goals included the “dismantling of structural inequality” supposedly caused by “local law enforcement,” and also to “create a national movement.”

According to an investigation published by the Washington Times in early 2015 that relied on Soros foundations’ tax filings and interviews with key players, the far-left billionaire poured some $33 million in just one year into organizations fomenting the unrest surrounding the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The Marxist co-founders of BLM were also working closely with Soros-funded groups even before founding BLM.

Just this summer, the New York Times reported that Soros poured some $220 million into “racial-justice organizations.” According to the Open Society Foundations through which Soros funneled his tax-exempt fortune, the massive new donations will help “end policing as we know it.” “It is inspiring and powerful to experience this transformational moment in the racial justice movement,” Open Society Foundations’ President Patrick Gaspard said in a statement about the almost quarter-billion dollar injection of money into BLM-inspired advocacy.

For perspective, it is worth knowing more about Soros, a man who said on national television that he felt no guilt over helping Nazis confiscate Jewish property during World War II. Soros, who has been convicted of insider trading in the accumulation of his vast wealth, also said publicly that Communist China has “a better functioning government than the United States.” He has even argued repeatedly that the regime in Beijing, which has slaughtered more people than any government in human history, should “own” what he described as the “New World Order.”

Of course, Soros is not alone in funding BLM. Dozens of America’s top companies have also been funding the movement — especially the California-based tech giants. Major foundations including the Ford Foundation and Borealis have been pouring money into the movement as well. The head of the Ford Foundation famously told Norman Dodd, the chief investigator for Congress’ early-1950s Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations, that the outfit was working to “so alter life in the United States that it could be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.”

Interestingly, even the Russian regime of Vladimir Putin appears to have had a hand in backing BLM. According to CNN, which is highly biased in favor of BLM, a Kremlin-controlled “troll farm” in St. Petersberg, Russia, known as the Internet Research Agency, bought BLM ads on social media promoting protests and unrest aimed at Baltimore and Ferguson. The goal was to sow discord and chaos in the United States, CNN “intelligence” sources were quoted as saying. Congress found related oddities during a probe by the Senate Intelligence Committee of Russian meddling in U.S. politics.

Clearly, there is much more to BLM than simply ensuring that “Black Lives Matter.” In fact, the slogan itself appears to be nothing more than a slick cover story for a dangerous movement threatening America’s law-enforcement community, the family, the rule of law, and the nation itself.

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