Nullification: Separating Fact from Fiction
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Contact Hannah Brems, Publicist
The New American, 800-727-8783,

Nullification: Separating Fact From Fiction
Joe Wolverton II, J.D., sets the record straight

APPLETON, WIS. – May 14, 2012 – Are calls for nullification serious? Isn’t the federal government in charge? Is nullification the same as secession?

Calls for nullification periodically occur when states perceive the federal government to have stepped out of its area of constitutionally defined powers by passing unconstitutional laws. Although the Tea Party and other constitutional activists have been leading the charge for nullification of ObamaCare, they have been joined by liberal groups in their support for nullification of the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA. 

But many in the media do not understand how nullification works and end up getting it wrong.

In the May 7 issue of The New American magazine, Joe Wolverton II, J.D. defines nullification in the article, “The Case for Nullification,” why it was created and how it can be used to invalidate federal laws that are unconstitutional.

Contact Hannah Brems to schedule an interview with Wolverton to discuss nullification and separate fact from fiction. Wolverton earned his Juris Doctorate degree in 2001.

Established in 1985, The New American is printed twice monthly and publishes articles online daily. The magazine reports on the abuses of the American principles of limited government, personal responsibility, and God-given rights. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of The John Birch Society.