With Democrats in Control, Children Are Learning the Wrong Lessons
Elad Hakim
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Growing up, many of us spent most of our time playing outside, riding our bikes, going out to eat, and/or having sleepovers. After all, we were kids, and the period from pre-school to 12th grade was primarily about homework, friends, sports, prom, and everything in between. Sure, there were the typical bumps in the road, but they were manageable and relatively short-lived.

Sadly, much of this “innocence” has been lost or diluted due to various far-left policies that have/are being implemented throughout the country. In its place, kids are learning the wrong lessons from a young age (when they are most impressionable) and through high school. Specifically, kids are learning lessons that are dangerous, divisive, irresponsible, and void of any morality whatsoever. Because of this, it is more important than ever for freedom-loving Americans to reject the Democrats’ dangerous policies and to elect leaders who will join them in this effort.

When President Trump was in office, Democrats hated him. At the time, some in the party publicly called for “engagement.” Others kicked patrons out of bars simply because they wore MAGA clothing/hats, and mocked/confronted members of the president’s staff and/or his supporters while they peacefully ate at a restaurant or attended a movie at a theater.

At schools around the country, kids were taught to hate Trump, and began to echo what many of their left-wing teachers and parents taught them about Trump and his supporters, whom they labeled as divisive (false!), racist (false!), and full of hatred (false!). On more than one occasion, kids were harassed by other students simply because of their political affiliation/beliefs. They were laughed at, ridiculed, teased, and ostracized by others who came from very liberal homes and whose parents had brainwashed them to think that the president was a terrible human being. Efforts to speak with some of the parents were fruitless.

During the Trump years, kids saw the hatred on television, heard it at home and in their schools by some of the very teachers who played a role in shaping their minds, and experienced it with their classmates and/or friends. When Trump was president, the Democrats’ message was clear: We hate Trump and will do anything that is necessary to get rid of him. This was the lesson that children witnessed and/or learned.     

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Trump is, sadly, no longer in office, and Democrats, unfortunately, control the White House and Congress. As such, Democrats can no longer use Trump as the scapegoat for their divisive rhetoric and disastrous policies (although they continue to try!). Unlike the days of Trump, the lessons that our children are learning by way of the Democrats’ policies are dangerous, divisive, void of any morality/ethics, and fall squarely on the shoulders of the far-left Democrats and President Biden.     

What, exactly, are our children learning by virtue of the Democrats’ far-left policies? For starters, they are being taught to hate America and to put America, Americans, and American interests last. Additionally, they are learning/being brainwashed to dislike/hate certain groups of people through “lessons” about Critical Race Theory. They are learning that police officers are racist enemies rather than brave men and women who protect all Americans each and every day. They are learning that hard work, dedication, and perseverance do not matter. For example, they hear about female athletes who have worked hard their entire lives to excel at a particular sport, yet are simply “replaced” by biological men who are now permitted to compete against them.

These are not the only unfortunate and dangerous lessons our children are learning by way of the modern-day Democrats’ policies. Children are also learning that they are not free to say what they want, but only what is “permitted.” For example, if they voice support for Trump, oppose teaching Critical Race Theory in schools, or object to the notion of biological men competing against women, they are bullied, ostracized, punished in the classroom, kicked off of social media, or suffer other unnecessary consequences. Children are learning that life is all about handouts and that people who work hard and succeed do not deserve to enjoy the benefits of their hard work and somehow “owe” others. (This also incorrectly teaches children that many people are inherently generous and will help others without being “forced” to do so.).

Modern-day Democrats are also teaching our children that historical national monuments don’t matter, that our nation’s flag and national anthem are disposable, worthless, and don’t deserve respect, that cheating is acceptable (and even commended) if it leads to a desired result, that religious beliefs don’t matter, that the federal government controls our daily lives, that our constitutional rights are disposable and irrelevant, that the sanctity of life means very little (if anything), and that any disagreement (no matter how legitimate/logical) with their purported ideology is, per se, racist, or rooted in hatred. For example, disagree with Critical Race Theory, the Voting Rights Act, or packing the courts, and you are obviously insensitive to the rights of all Americans. Oppose illegal immigration and loose border-control policies, and you are deemed a Trump-supporting “hater.” Use terms such as “man,” “woman,” “he,” or “she,” and you are obviously a sexist who is living in “denial.”

In the past, old-school Democrats promoted policies that, although different from their Republican colleagues in their approach, shared some of the same core values. Most importantly, both parties believed in the beauty of America, the American dream, and the importance of capitalism and democracy. Children weren’t learning how to hate America. Rather, they simply learned about two parties who shared different approaches of how to make America better for Americans.

Today, this is no longer the case. As reported by EdSource, when President Trump previously spoke at Mount Rushmore, he stated:

“Our nation is witnessing a merciless campaign to wipe out our history, defame our heroes, erase our values and indoctrinate our children. In our schools, our newsrooms, even our corporate boardrooms, there is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets and cities that are run by liberal Democrats in every case is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism and other cultural institutions. Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that they were villains. The radical view of American history is a web of lies — all perspective is removed, every virtue is obscured, every motive is twisted, every fact is distorted and every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition.”

President Trump was entirely correct. While not all Democrats promote the dangerous and divisive policies, the majority of those in power do. Ironically, when Biden gave his first speech as the Democratic presidential nominee, he stated, “While I will be a Democratic candidate, I will be an American president. It’s a moment that calls for hope and light and love. Hope for our futures, light to see our way forward, and love for one another.”

Really? In that case, what should parents tell their children when they ask why so many Democrats in Congress hate Trump, detest the police, put illegal immigrants before American citizens, teach children to hate America and/or certain groups of people in America (by virtue of teaching Critical Race Theory), disrespect the national anthem and the flag, and discourage hard work and success? What should parents say when children ask why biological males are permitted to compete against females (which is fundamentally unfair), why many Democrats encourage a win-at-all-costs type mentality, why they can’t speak their minds in class, with their friends and colleagues, and/or on social media without fear of reprisal from their teachers, fellow students, and/or site administrators. Finally, what should parents tell kids who ask why so many Democrats label those who disagree with their far-left policies as racist, sexist, or “haters?”    

These days, parents have only one choice: They must oppose these policies and elect leaders who will support them in their efforts. If they don’t, the children of tomorrow will be left with an unrecognizable and dangerous version of a once-prosperous nation the that their parents grew up loving.