Luis Miguel
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Never believe the Left when they precede any petition with “all we’re asking for is…”

The LGBT, gender-bending social experiment has finally gotten to the point where the average American is at last saying he’s had enough — and is unafraid to speak out.

For far too long, Americans of the conservative persuasion have preferred to keep silent and tacitly bow to the cult of LGBT, saying “it’s none of my business” when confronted by homosexuality, transgenderism, and other aberrations.

Perhaps this was born out of the genuine desire to be tolerant and understanding in a “diverse” society. Perhaps many sincerely believed Democrats when they said “don’t worry, we only want to legalize same-sex ‘marriage’ for consenting adults — it won’t go further than that.”

But with how fast the culture has changed — or at least, with how fast the Left has been trying to make the culture change — since the nationwide legalization of homosexual unions via the 2015 Obergefell Supreme Court decision — many people can’t help realizing that leftists were lying all along.

Contrary to what the leftists told us, they want not just tolerance, but to force us to partake in their degeneracy (see those who have been sued for not working on homosexual weddings or for not using the right pronouns). 

Contrary to what they told us, it wasn’t just going to stop at “consenting adults.” They want to convert our children (see Democrats’ support of LGBT propaganda and attempts to prevent parents from opposing their own children’s participation in LGBT activities).

And, contrary to what they told us, their agenda is leading to the normalization of pedophilia. Just look at the now myriad public instances of grown adults sexually parading around minors and of young children performing stripper dances to crowds of cheering adults.

Reflecting upon all this, the conclusion is clear: This is all the inevitable consequence of tacitly accepting homosexual unions. There is simply no denying it. Everything that Obergefell’s detractors said would happen, happened. 

Of course, the Obergefell decision was outside the power of voters or lawmakers. The Supreme Court is insulated from public opinion and from the legislative and executive branches. 

But, nevertheless, the public-at-large gave up once the decision was made. While there were some shouts and complaints and grumblings, for the most part, most Americans who opposed homosexual unions simply threw their arms up and said “oh well” when all was said and done.

This has been true even for many activist organizations. While those involved in conservative and constitutional activism have fought for many worthy causes over the last decade, you’ll notice that, in general, the movement largely treated the marriage question as decided, done, and dead once the Obergefell decision came out.

Democrats would not have simply given up. They never have. Just look at abortion, for instance. Abortion may have lost its status as a “federal right” with the overturn of Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs decision last year. But since then, Democrats have been hard at work to keep abortion legal and available through whatever channels of power they possess — in the states they run, through the military, etc.

And, to their credit, Republicans have kept up the fight on other issues even after being dealt a major blow. Despite the 1973 Roe decision, conservatives continued pushing to restrict abortion decade after decade. That struggle is still ongoing, but the combination of Dobbs and red-state restrictions on abortion has now put the life movement on a more optimistic track that many had reason to hope for back in ‘73.

But when it comes to defending the sanctity of marriage, the Right fell asleep at the wheel. In fact, in many Republican circles it has become taboo to even suggest going back to how things were before. Republicans will balk at openly speaking out against homosexual unions, either out of actual support for it or because they’re afraid of alienating “young people” and “suburban women.”

But part of being a patriot and Christian is having the integrity to support the right cause even when it’s seemingly unpopular. And the marriage question, as we’re now witnessing, has ramifications that go beyond man-on-man or woman-on-woman sexual relations. Our entire society is coming apart at the seams.

Look at the trans terrorism that the Left is unleashing on regular Americans. The shooting of innocent schoolchildren in Nashville. The assault on young former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines for speaking out against trans athletes.

Leftists are grooming, radicalizing, and weaponizing the nation’s youth into their personal army of trans terrorists with which to silence anyone who dares publicly oppose them.

Granted, grown men may not have much to worry about from mentally infirm children and man-children, at least when there aren’t firearms involved, as in Nashville. But these leftist agents are deliberately targeting women and children, the innocent who may not be able to defend themselves.

The answer is simple: If the right wants to reclaim the culture and bring the country back from the madness into which it has fallen, it must work up the moral courage to speak out against the corruption of marriage.

As with abortion, the Right must push for the day that Obergefell is overturned, and until that day, red states must take measures within their borders to eliminate homosexual unions.

After all, Obergefell was itself an unconstitutional decision, as the states, under the Constitution, rightfully have the power to decide questions of marriage contracts.