Paul Dragu
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In a recent diatribe for The Bulwark, D-list member of the establishment punditry class Robert Tracinski wrote, “From the top down, the Birchers have won. They now own the conservative movement and the Republican party.”

The reason Tracinski said what he said is the same reason other professional opinionists with similar worldviews have said similar things. He believes the 63-year-old educational legacy of The John Birch Society is responsible for Americans believing their country has been hijacked by insane and malevolent forces bent on destroying their lives.  

What has really happened is that reasonable people are starting to see that the warnings of the JBS were accurate. Americans are noticing the authoritarianism creeping into every aspect of their lives. Some have dared to push back. Meanwhile, detached professional opinion molders continue to tell people that what is happening is not really happening.

Since 1958, the JBS, the parent company of The New American, has been warning Americans of a global dystopian plot to destroy life as we know it and make us subjects to an elite class of psychopaths who want to rule over us. The JBS has published a mountain of books, pamphlets, and videos to support these claims. The JBS’ ability to create understanding of the diabolical plot for one-world totalitarian rule has been so effective that the Huffington Post has labeled the organization the “intellectual seed bank of the right.”

Tracinski, however, is not a believer. He writes, “We have a conspiracy theory that explains everything conservatives think has gone wrong in the world by positing the machinations of a secret cabal that controls everything from the intelligence agencies to the schools.” He seems to believe that powerful people conspiring is a silly idea. Perhaps someone should send him a history book. Any will do, as he will inevitably learn the existence of conspiring forces in nearly any important historical event.

This sort of detached drivel used to be more effective. But as much credit that pundits would like to give the JBS for effective messaging, the best promoter has been reality. The façade has been ripped off the walls of tyranny that’s closing in on us and people are seeing in real time conspiracy after conspiracy becoming true.

A strong case could be made that these machinations are no longer even “conspiracies.” Conspiracies require secrecy. Everything is out in the open now. The president is admitting the New World Order and its goals exist. Powerful people have admitted of working toward a one-world government for decades in their memoirs. Powerful people have written books and put together websites explaining they intend to create a one-world system in which you will own nothing. Powerful people in intergovernmental bodies have drafted wordy documents explaining how they intend to create a world that will control every aspect of your life. People in the Deep State have admitted to obstructing the duly elected president of the United States. And let’s not forget that entire madness in which all western governments used a treatable disease with a minute mortality rate as an excuse to implement overt totalitarianism.

If you’ve been paying attention to the work of the JBS, what is happening is not surprising. Furthermore, you’re likely to also know about other creative schemes the globalists use to brainwash people into shackling themselves with their own chains.  

The Society has exposed how internationalists have been working with communists and other totalitarians to erode America into a technocratic Marxist society. It has exposed the lies and real intent of the climate “crisis” hoax . It has revealed a number of officials working with totalitarians to corral us all in their technocratic utopia. And it has churned out a litany of predictions that have come true.

And few have been as thorough and right as the JBS network when it came to reporting the truth about all things Covid. As the hysteria machine was just beginning to crank out the propaganda, The New American was already warning about and exposing what this was really all about. There are more links at the bottom of this page for those who’d like to learn more.  

Tracinski and other similar pundits are either knowingly and purposefully propagandizing for tyrannical results or they are the useful idiots helping to perpetuate these goals. Paraphrasing the words of a Soviet defector, such people will only be awakened when the steel from the boot of the totalitarians’ foot soldiers shatters his prostate. 

Those at The John Birch Society wish our influence was as vast as this commenter suggests. Because if it were, Americans who value individual freedom and prosperity would be the real winners. If it were true, Americans wouldn’t be losing their hard-earned wages to inflation and a litany of unconstitutional federal programs and foreign-aid schemes. If it were true, Americans would not be victims of illegal surveillance by agencies who use our own money to spy on us. Not a single person would be coerced into putting a foreign technology in his body. The climate-change propaganda peddled by the Marxist administration in the White House would be dismissed as the joke it is and we’d be paying less than $2.00 a gallon for gasoline.

The bottom line is that if the JBS has really “won,” America — the world — would not be on the cusp of global tyranny. This would have all been prevented.

But it can be true.

The JBS’ goal is to create understanding and inspire activism. Our goal is add to the ranks of The John Birch Society, made of men and women from all sorts of backgrounds and whose only commonality is a insatiable appetite for freedom.

As much as we wish people would’ve woken up decades ago, it is encouraging that it is now happening. Because as long as you can read these words, it means we really can win.


That’s what’s at stake here.

They’re coming for your country.

They’re coming for you.

They’re coming for your children.

This is not a conspiracy theory.

If you want to learn more about joining the John Birch Society and restoring the greatest country that ever existed, get in touch with a regional coordinator, who will answer any questions you may have and help get you plugged in.

In the meantime, remember that whatever the societal problem, freedom is the cure.

Here are some resources that will help foster a deeper understanding:

Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes

The UN’s Agenda 2030: Marxist Stealth Plan for World Government

The United Nations: Unity Through Tyranny

The Constitution is the Solution series