The Biggest Winners of GOP Debate Night
Wayne Allen Root

We learned several things from the GOP debate last Wednesday night.

Former President Donald J. Trump was the biggest winner — by a mile.

First, he won by not showing up and having to lower himself to fight the entire gang of also-rans who want his old job.

Second, by not participating, Trump won by taking all the attention away from the competition — thereby depriving anyone on that stage of gaining ground on Trump’s huge 40-point lead.

Third, I predicted days before the debate that “Trump on Twitter” would destroy the GOP debate ratings. Trump did not disappoint. Over 240 million viewed Tucker interview Trump on Twitter — the most to ever watch an interview online. More people watched Trump than voted in the 2020 election.

Fourth, Trump won the biggest prize of all: He got revenge on Fox News. Trump on Twitter defeated the most powerful cable TV news network in America. Or at least it used to be. Now it’s a shell of its former pro-Trump, pro-Tucker self.

Trump and Tucker together have destroyed Fox News. Stick a fork in Fox. This story will be studied in business school for decades to come: How two spoiled brats from Europe ran daddy’s American dynasty into the ground in record time with “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

How about the winner on the actual GOP debate stage? Well, none of them are ever catching Trump. Trump is the nominee, so he’s the only winner. But…

If I were to pick a winner on that stage, it’s clearly Vivek Ramaswamy.

Does he have any chance to be president in 2024? No. But he just may be the future of the GOP!

I made that exact prediction several months ago when Vivek was a guest on my “Real America’s Voice” TV show. I saw that potential in him before anyone else. He was a joke back then, with a name no one could pronounce and 1% poll ratings. But I saw “the future of the GOP.” Here’s why:

The criticism of Vivek is that he’s like a GOP version of former President Barack Obama. But that’s exactly what the GOP needs. I despise Obama. I believe Obama is the architect of the destruction of America. I believe Obama is the Manchurian candidate — chosen by the deep state and enemies of America to destroy this country.

But I respect how Obama pulled it off. With a nice personality, charisma, great speaking skills, a great personal story, a picture-perfect family, enthusiasm and a great big smile. Obama was the perfect salesman for socialism, communism, globalism and the devil. Pure evil.

The GOP desperately needs an enthusiastic, MAGA, America First, conservative, capitalist version of Obama. That makes Ramaswamy “our Obama.” So far, he appears to be on the right side of most every issue for conservatives and patriots. Although more vetting is required.

Born in America to an immigrant family, young, enthusiastic, brilliant, well-educated, picture-perfect family and a great smile, he appeals to young voters, minority voters, immigrants, educated suburban women — and he’s a successful capitalist businessman who made a fortune in America. Folks, this is our Obama. What’s wrong with that? Vivek is what the GOP lacks and desperately needs. And you’re complaining?

How about his lines of the night? First the zinger of the century: “I’m the only one up here not bought and paid for by the deep state.” And then the most important line ever: “Climate change is a hoax.” Has any GOP candidate at the highest levels ever said that before? That’s called “raw truth.”

Ramaswamy is the perfect Republican salesman to explain how the climate change agenda will destroy America with massive debt; kill jobs; bankrupt the middle class with unaffordable energy bills; turn our quality of life into misery; and allow China to bypass America. Ramaswamy could actually change millions of young minds.

We need a GOP version of Obama — someone who can appeal to young people, immigrants, minority voters and educated suburban women. Or I’m afraid in the future, both the GOP and America are finished.

Vivek made his case last night.

I’m a cynical New Yorker. So, I know Ramaswamy needs further vetting. I want him back on my “Real America’s Voice” TV show to ask him in more detail about his scholarship from a Soros relative, his World Economic Forum award and his views on Israel (which are dead wrong) and the COVID-19 vaccine (because of his pharma background).

But if his convictions are real… if he is truly the anti-deep state candidate… if he truly made the transition from Harvard, Yale Law and WEF awards to conservative capitalist who hates the deep state…

We may have found the GOP’s future and Trump may have found his VP.

Who was the biggest loser on that debate stage? All the other candidates showcased how out of touch the GOP establishment really is on many of the issues that matter to the GOP base. And how disloyal they all are to Trump, the greatest president of my lifetime. Other than Vivek, how quickly they forget what Trump accomplished for America and the GOP. They’re all finished; stick a fork in them.

The winner was Trump, Trump, Trump and Trump. With an assist to Vivek.

Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Wayne’s latest book is out, The Great Patriot BUY-cott Book. Wayne is now the host of two new TV shows on Real America’s Voice and Mike Lindell TV. He is also host of the nationally syndicated Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. EST. Visit for more information.