Paul Dragu
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

In 1967, the CIA sent out classified document number 1035-960 to some of its overseas stations. Despite the CIA being an agency tasked with conducting its work abroad, this document provided instructions on how to propagandize Americans. It instructed agents to manipulate Americans into believing the Warren Commission report, the U.S. government’s investigation into President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

“The aim of this dispatch is to provide material for countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries,” the CIA document said. It was a manual for agents “to employ propaganda assets to answer and refute the attacks of the critics.”

The problem was that Americans believed Lee Harvey Oswald’s final words, “I’m just a patsy.” The CIA document said that a public opinion poll indicated that 46 percent of Americans didn’t believe Oswald acted alone and more than half agreed the Warren report “left some questions unresolved.” Among the most popular conspiracies people suspected was the one in which the CIA was involved in the assassination.

The memo advised agents to use their “friendly elite” contacts in the political and media realms to manipulate the public into believing the Warren report. It laid out very specific arguments to make, including that rational conspirators would not use a loser like Oswald for such a high-profile job. It cited books that were critical of the investigation along with counterpoints to discredit the arguments in those books. It was a how-to on propaganda.

Decades later, more Americans believe JFK’s murder was a conspiracy than when the CIA sent out document 1035-960. According to a 2017 NBC article, only about 30 percent of Americans believe Oswald acted alone. (This may be the same group of people wearing face masks while driving alone.) The film of the assassination taken by Abraham Zapruder, which became public in 1975, deepened the dent of trust Americans had in the Warren Commission’s report. Oliver Stone’s movie JFK, released in 1991, only added to the skepticism, as have a litany of books on the topic. And if building trust were truly the goal, the government might want to reconsider continuing to keep thousands of documents on the assassination classified.

On October 30, 1993, The Washington Post published an op-ed by senior editor Richard Harwood titled “Ruling Class Journalists.” Harwood wrote that many of the most widely read newspapers and magazines in America were in the propaganda business. He said journalists “do not merely analyze and interpret foreign policy; they help make it.” He cited a long list of influential American media people who were members of the Council on Foreign Relations, a self-proclaimed think tank “whose members are the nearest thing we have to a ruling establishment in the United States.”

However, the CFR is a century-old Deep State organization that undermines U.S. interests and subversively works to install the pieces of a one-world totalitarian government. The John Birch Society, the parent company of this magazine, has dedicated numerous books, articles, and videos to identifying the CFR’s tangled mess of puppeteer tentacles and exposing its sordid history of influence over American policy, including Dan Smoot’s The Invisible Government and Alex Newman’s Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes.

Some of the CFR media members Harwood mentioned included Hedley Donovan of Time Inc., Elizabeth Drew of the New Yorker, Philip Geyelin of The Washington Post, Karen Elliott House of The Wall Street Journal, Strobe Talbott of Time magazine, and former Washington Post principal owner Katharine Graham, as well as the executive editor, managing editor, and foreign editor of The New York Times. Some prominent CFR ruling-class-journalist members have even publicly admitted to being “former” members of the CIA (or its forerunner, the Office of Strategic Services, OSS), TNA’s William Jasper reported in the May 8, 2017 issue. These include Cord Meyer, Jr., who was a longtime head of the United World Federalists, and (after nearly 30 years in CIA leadership) a syndicated columnist and author; Thomas Braden, a top-level OSS-CIA leader who later became a newspaper publisher, syndicated columnist, and CNN commentator; and William F. Buckley, who, following his CIA service, founded National Review and Young Americans for Freedom.

While corporate media liked to fawn over Mr. Respectable Conservative, JBS members knew the former CIA-CFR man as someone who tried to banish them into irrelevance. The conflict between Buckley’s National Review and the Birch Society centered around dueling analyses of America’s premature decline. National Review attributed it to bumbling liberalism and political ineptness. The JBS, however, has always taught that a secretive network of powerful megalomaniacs is conspiring to intentionally destroy the United States and install a one-world government run by an elite few. The JBS published and disseminated mountains of documentation of conspiracy facts on what was really happening.

A “conspiracy” is two or more people secretly plotting evil. This happens all the time. And it happens among powerful people. That we have arrived where we are today, when American culture scoffs at the idea of secretive, evil plots, is a testament to successful propaganda and the erosion of critical thinking. Mr. Buckley tried to cancel the JBS for our “paranoid” outlook. Fortunately he failed, and as a Salon magazine subtitle pointed out, Welch “won the long game.” Time has proven the warnings of the JBS true. That is unfortunate.

CIA document 1035-960, released in response to a 1976 Freedom of Information Act request by The New York Times, shows that it was commonplace for spooks to collaborate with politicians and journalists on propaganda. Political science professor and author Lance deHaven-Smith credits the CIA document as being the watershed moment that kicked off an Intelligence campaign to stigmatize the word “conspiracy” and render anyone associated with it as persona non grata. Mr. deHaven-Smith argues that this nation was founded on conspiratorial suspicions, including the one that the king of England’s goal was to “reduce [the Colonists] under absolute despotism,” as Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence. Furthermore, pre-CIA American statesmen regularly voiced conspiratorial suspicions, including Abraham Lincoln’s charge, made on the floor of the House of Representatives, that President James K. Polk had fabricated a reason to initiate the Mexican-American War. In his book Conspiracy Theory in America, deHaven-Smith makes this and many other cases for the legitimacy of believing conspiracies are at work.

While millions of Americans navigate life, most don’t know of the battle in their midst and how effectively propaganda has shaped their worldview. Little has changed since the Intelligence campaign to whitewash the Warren report or Harwood’s admission about ruling class journalists, except for the tools. The Twitter Files dump generated the receipts of what every sensible American already knew was happening. It turned out that American Intelligence agencies stuck their grubby little fingers in the private social media company and turned it into a grimy propaganda vehicle. The Twitter Files confirmed that unelected government employees manipulated and censored the news Twitter users could see or share. The government manipulated the public digital conversation on every conceivable consequential topic, from election integrity, to Biden family corruption, to Covid-19, to the deadly concoction they tried to jab into every human on the planet.

Months prior, Facebook head Mark Zuckerberg had admitted on The Joe Rogan Podcast that the private tech giant collaborated with the FBI to censor certain news stories. And shortly after that, Melissa Fleming of the United Nations communications team admitted they had collaborated with Google to ensure that people searching for climate information were likely to read only the approved climate-alarmism narrative. She said this happened after they were shocked to find articles on climate that didn’t align with the alarmist claptrap. TNA was directly affected by this propaganda maneuver, as our articles on the climate scam had tended to show up at the top of searches.

Robert Welch said, “The aim of the conspirators always has been and still is to impose the brutal tyranny of their rule over the whole of the human race.… For that reason, it is automatically contrary to everything we stand for and one of the movements we shall oppose with all the strength we can.” Out of all the possible weapons against the Conspiracy, he believed education was the sharpest. “Education is our total strategy, and truth is our only weapon,” he often said. During a speech at UCLA in 1967, he explained that education inevitably creates action: “We regard education as the means and political action as only the mechanics for bringing about improvements in government. The mechanics will automatically be used when sufficient education has prepared the way.”

Welch understood the Conspiracy’s agenda, and he understood that propaganda was key to accomplishing its goal. The American people will not wittingly walk into their cells of subjugation, so the Conspiracy blindfolds us with lies and deception to lead us into cells of dependency and tyranny. But education is the key that prevents — and unlocks — the shackles. Welch started a magazine, American Opinion (the predecessor to TNA), to produce news and analysis to counter fake news. Then he founded the JBS and enrolled patriots all across the nation into one big truth-dispensing machine. Members read and passed out books and pamphlets filled with the truth about what was really happening. They held meetings to discuss putting truth into action — and then they organized between the meetings. Welch also traveled like a madman from city to city, giving speeches wherever they would let him. He went anywhere and everywhere, including hostile territory such as UCLA. He also created a JBS speakers bureau of many other smart and articulate patriots dedicated to exposing the truth. This is why corporate media has been on a 60-year smear tear against the JBS. Nobody else has been doing what we have been doing for so long.

Some believe JBS’s obsession with education is hokey, or even inadequate by now.  They believe we’ve reached a “point of no return” and any chance of restoring freedom will require more than knowing stuff. None of this is true.

The Covid-19 virus arrived on the global scene in 2020, accompanied by a more virulent companion — fear-rousing, mind-dumbing, life-paralyzing propaganda. Government agencies collaborated with corporate media in their push for lockdowns, shutdowns, masking, and asinine shot edicts. Their aim was to create a faceless, fearful, and physically damaged public blob that bowed to the all-knowing, all-powerful, almighty Medical Tyranny Regime. And in many areas of the world, including some in the U.S., it worked. It some cases, it has worked so well that some people are still walking around with dust masks, believing they provide an adequate barrier against microbial disease.

But in many places, it didn’t work. All across America, Birchers and JBS supporters met with elected officials, including their local sheriffs, to remind or inform them of their constitutional duties to protect liberty, not infringe on it. No matter how hard the health department “experts” huffed and puffed their threats, patriotic local officials all across the nation stood their ground and defied hysteria-driven bureaucrats. As a result, in many areas there were no lawful teeth behind the Medical Mafia’s saber-rattling, and millions of Americans lived as if it were 2019.  

Or, how about the time education stopped a European Union-like merger from happening here?

In 2007, the JBS partnered with several other patriotic organizations to create the Coalition to Block the North American Union. The work included educating federal legislators about the danger of such a union — it would chip away at national sovereignty and would move us one step closer to a one-world government — and urging them to oppose any legislation that would help create a North American Union. The coalition succeeded. Plans for the NAU were foiled. Lamenting the achievement was Chip Berlet in a piece for Political Research Associates titled “The North American Union Right-Wing Populist Conspiracism Rebounds.” He was even gracious enough to give JBS our deserved credit:

“The NAU conspiracy theory has legs; it has already played a role in state, federal, and Presidential campaign politics and generated legislative proposals. Thirteen states have passed anti-NAU and related resolutions, and seven are considering them,” Berlet wrote. “In mid-October 2007 the John Birch Society magazine New American published an entire special issue devoted to alerting the nation: ‘Merger in the Making: North American Union Edition.’ Since then the Birchers have distributed close to 500,000 copies.”

Over the years, JBS members have notched a number of other victories, including exposing Agenda 2030 schemes in communities across the nation, blocking efforts to destroy the Constitution via an Article V Convention, helping keep local police independent of federal control, and so much more. You can learn more about the JBS’s work in BiRCH’N: How The John Birch Society Keeps America Free.

The latest example of the power of education comes from the annual globalist soiree in Davos, Switzerland. We seem to have reached a tipping point of exposure and deserved criticism about the goals of this unholy consortium.

“From the world’s richest man to a rapidly growing throng of bloggers, vloggers, citizen journalists, and independent-media platforms from all parts of the planet and across the political spectrum, the billionaire denizens of Davos are being called out and their toxic command-and-control ‘masters of the universe’ schemes are being exposed,” TNA senior editor William Jasper reported in a January 20 article.

“So here we are as Davos 2023 winds down and it’s pretty obvious, watching the proceedings, that their entire edifice built on a crude admixture of psychopathy and hubris is tumbling down,” ZeroHedge reported January 21. “And it’s not only because more of us can see them for what they are, cheap communists in expensive suits, but because there are stark divisions forming within their own ranks.”

The problem isn’t that education is insufficient. It is that there aren’t a sufficient number of Americans educating. Knowledge is the most powerful weapon we can stock up on. When enough Americans know what’s happening and by what schemes, human behavior changes. The movement to restore elections will develop unstoppable momentum as more join the cause; the public schools will be emptied out and the conditioning institution neutered, setting the stage for the resurgence of the United States powered by the next generation of patriots; patriots across the nation will take over local offices and ensure that medical tyranny — or any other kind — will never happen again in their towns; constitutional money will be restored — and our prosperity with it — as enough pressure to end the Fed builds; America will withdraw from intergovernmental agreements; and manufactured riots and protests will cease to catch on because there won’t be enough stooges to join in.  

There’s no end to the how much can be accomplished in a nation of enough educated citizens. American restoration starts with Americanist education. And Americanist education starts with us. Never pass up an opportunity to help someone better understand. Tell people they can get propaganda-smashing content at The New American. Or share with them other news sources you trust. Alternative media is exploding. More choices for trusted news and analysis are popping up by the day. Also, utilize some of the many informational pamphlets we’ve created. We have a warehouse full of goodies.

The battle against the diabolical Conspiracy is winnable. Their strength is dependent on an ignorant and disengaged public. When enough people wake up, the jig is up. Robert Welch said in 1958:

These cunning megalomaniacs seek to make themselves the absolute rulers [of the human race]…. Although they now occupy most of the positions of great prestige and influence in Washington, London, and Paris, as well as in the educational, financial and publishing circles of the whole world, their power rests entirely on bluff, pretense, and deception. Their success and their purposes are contrary to the whole current of human history. They are sitting precariously on the gigantic powder keg of all honest human emotions. Despite their arrogant assurance on the contemporary scene, they are well aware that sooner or later, the whole framework of their cruel power will be blown to pieces by a mighty uprising of the incalculable forces of man’s moral principles, love for freedom, and common sense. How soon that day of delivery may come will depend on you.

Learn more about The John Birch Society with our free e-booklet BiRCH’N: How The John Birch Society Keeps America Free. If you are considering joining the JBS, connect with your local coordinator here.