How to Avoid Being Manipulated by Left-Wing Experts
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

Have you ever wondered what goes on in those left-wing, politically correct “leadership seminars” in which individuals learn how to become “leaders”? Who and what are they trying to lead? According to Beverly Eakman, America’s best writer on the subject of psychological warfare, these so-called leaders are professionally trained to manipulate you in going along with a group that promotes an idea, or a program, or a policy which you may at first not agree with, but in the end find yourself unable to resist.

Ms. Eakman’s enlightening book, How to Counter Group Manipulation Tactics, is a must read for those who will be involved in such group meetings. When you become aware of the unethical techniques used by these consensus-building community leaders, you become immune to their methods and your individualism reasserts itself.


As an employee in a federal agency, Ms. Eakman was required to attend a sexual harassment-AIDS awareness workshop in order to adopt the politically correct mindset regarding such ideas as “homophobia” or “intolerance.” It was a not-so-subtle form of values clarification, a form of Psych-War.

She writes: “Today, be it the workplace, a community forum, airport security, or the PTA, team spirit (the old Marxists called it “collective spirit”) is valued above individual conscience and over unique ideas.… Schoolchildren … can encounter similar problems in the classroom. It’s all Marxist tactics, just dressed differently.”

It’s all based on the psychologically known fact that “it‘s easier to control a group than it is to control a single individual.” That is why leftists prefer to deal with groups than individuals. If a community organizer, like Barack Obama, “can generate a mob mentality, and get it to work for him, control of the agenda is usually assured.”

That’s what Obama learned as a provocateur and community organizer in Chicago, how to manipulate a group of citizens to adopt his left-wing, pro-socialist agenda.

Ms. Eakman delves into Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, the handbook which Obama read in order to apply these manipulative techniques to his work at a community organizer and later as a political candidate. His ability to speak before huge crowds of adoring supporters permitted him to stroke their fragile egos “to make them believe they were more ‘aware’ than they really were.” Such techniques have been used by every demagogue in history.

But the danger of such a dishonest strategy is that when some of those individuals wake up and discover that they’ve been manipulated by a clever liar, you cannot fool them again. Of course, we are reminded of Abraham Lincoln’s famous saying, “You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

But apparently, there are enough Obama fans who can be fooled all of the time.

Ms. Eakman goes into great detail exposing the Delphi Technique, which is used in groups to achieve a deceptive consensus on a controversial topic. She writes: “A consensus is essentially a collective opinion that isn’t necessarily reflective of anybody’s private view. Manipulators get away with this because the collective good (or “team”) trumps the individual — a socialist concept.”

She writes further: “Provocateurs, or agitators, often call themselves ’facilitators’ because that sounds neutral. But what these pros really do is to work the group over to ensure a predetermined outcome which they call a ’consensus.’ ”

If you work in a company or profession where you are required to attend such consensus-building meetings, you may want to use some of the techniques Eakman herself has developed to trump the facilitator. She teaches you how to take apart the arguments of the politically correct robots. Of course, you will become known as a resister, whom they will try to ridicule and ostracize. But that’s the price we all must pay when we go against the politically correct consensus. But you will also attract those in the group who secretly agree with you.

In this valuable book you will learn to understand the principles of psych-war, how to turn the tables on the facilitators, master the art of argument, and control the environment of thought. A very useful manual on how to maintain your sanity and individuality in a climate of cultural confusion and chaos.