Ghetto Culture: A Mind Virus That Must Be Eradicated
Luis Miguel

We often throw around the phrase “culture is the downstream of politics,” but still do not fully appreciate just how powerfully culture shapes politics. Most of the political problems facing the country would resolve themselves if the culture were different.

Accordingly, there is a great deal of discourse today about the ills affecting the inner cities and communities of ethnic minorities — theft, murder, homelessness, pollution, poverty, blight. While it’s natural and appropriate to seek political solutions to these problems, any such efforts will never be comprehensively fruitful if the deep cultural issues at the heart of them are not dealt with.

Often, conservatives point to the breakdown of the black family. Of course, this is a major factor. But the erosion of the black family is itself caused by another nefarious force. Here, conservatives would tend to point back to the political — to the welfare state, arguing that offering black single mothers food stamps and other entitlements is the root cause.

But the root cause is, in fact, the culture of lasciviousness, ignorance, violence, materialism, and victimhood that has been drilled into the black community from a variety of sources, most notably entertainment, the media, and race-baiting demagogues.

Sadly, the default culture in many black communities has become the “ghetto culture” popularized by gangster rap. We all know the tropes: hooliganism, informal speech, disdain for reading and education, resentment for the white man, the glorification of violence, lawlessness, and promiscuity.

I have written extensively on the globalist-Marxist establishment’s use of the occult to acquire political power for itself while subjugating the rest of us. What they have done to American blacks is another manifestation of the nefarious use of occultism.

In essence, they have infected the black community with a “mind virus” that keeps them from prospering. By maintaining blacks in a state of perpetual victimhood, poverty, and ignorance, they are that much easier to control.

This mind virus can also be described as a form of psychological conditioning en masse. And the way psychological conditioning works is by bombarding the individual’s senses with things that perpetuate the state you want him to manifest.

For instance, if you want someone to assume a state of victimhood, you continually present him with news reports showing story after story of blacks being brutalized by police, of whites committing “hate crimes,” of statistics allegedly showing that schools and employers favor whites, etc. Of course, this is exactly what the establishment has been doing for years.

And there are other key means by which a person can be conditioned. Those who study mental states know that every state has its corresponding language, posture, sounds, vestment, and more.

Think about it: Don’t you instinctively know a powerful person by the way he carries himself? The way he walks and the way he stands communicate confidence, nobility, and self-assurance. The way he speaks communicates power.

Conversely, it’s easy to identify a weak person. He doesn’t look people in the eye. He walks hunched over. He’s shifty and twitchy. He moves awkwardly and insecurely. When he speaks, his voice is quiet and trembling and he uses language denoting a lack of confidence, such as “I think,” “maybe,” “just my opinion.”

We can likewise easily spot a refined, elevated person by his manner of dress. Don’t you instinctively take someone more seriously if he’s wearing a pressed, clean, tailored suit than if he’s in flip-flops and a stained wife-beater?

The informal attire of ghetto culture keeps those who adopt it in a lowly state. If they would simply change their way of dressing, their feelings would gradually change. They would find themselves feeling more dignified and see themselves as having higher purpose and potential.

The same can be said about language. I previously wrote about the role that language plays in shaping the mind of the individual and of society. The informal nature of Ebonics is part of the psychological conditioning keeping blacks down. If they obliged themselves to speak properly and with refinement, they would discover a newfound personal power within themselves.

I also previously wrote about the influence music has on the psyche. Music is a powerful tool for changing mental states. Contrary to what many modern art and music theorists would argue, music is not relative. Different forms of music naturally correspond to specific mental states. The great works of masters such as Bach and Vivaldi naturally elevate the soul to feelings of inspiration, triumph, heroism, victory, and spiritual transcendence. 

Gangster rap and related genres, on the other hand, keep the soul anchored to vices and one’s base instincts. If those in the inner cities would replace their musical diet of rap with classical music, they would find themselves with greater creativity, motivation, positivity, generosity, and other virtuous qualities.

Ultimately, the answer to the ills we see in the black community is one that’s not likely to be popular with the politically correct crowd: The entire ghetto culture must be eradicated. If you do that, you won’t need more laws and policies; blacks will naturally build stronger homes, neighborhoods, and cities.