John F. McManus
Article audio sponsored by The John Birch Society

When The John Birch Society was created in 1958, founder Robert Welch warned of a scheme “to induce the gradual surrender of American sovereignty, piece by piece and step by step, to various international organizations — of which the United Nations is the outstanding but far from the only example.” At the organization’s founding meeting, Welch also noted that “internationalism, as it is conceived and promoted today, is an attempt to impose more government and a more centralized one-world government on all of us everywhere.”

At the time those warnings were issued, relatively few Americans understood that the United Nations was intended from the beginning to be an embryonic world government that would become the seat of the full-fledged world government long sought by communists, socialists, and globalists for centuries. But many more Americans understand the threat today, which emanates from not just the United Nations itself but also from a network of interlocking global and regional entities including the World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The latter provides the United Nations, NATO’s parent organization, with a military force that serves the interests of the internationalists, not the United States.

The John Birch Society and The New American magazine have done much over many years to create the needed understanding about the threat of tyrannical world government, including the fact that this threat — often euphemistically called the “New World Order,” did not begin with the creation of the United Nations in 1945, but has been pursued for centuries. For some background, see my recent cover story “Imposing the New World Order” in the August 15 issue of The New American. Of course, those of us who oppose the developing New World Order are often derided as “conspiracy theorists,” despite the fact that, as I show in my article, the advocates of world government have long used the phrase “New World Order” themselves to describe their nefarious goal, both before and after the creation of the UN. But other terminology has also been used to describe the same thing, including, recently, “The Great Reset.”

One sure way of blocking the establishment of the New World Order and preventing the Great Reset from taking control of all people and property is to persuade Congress to withdraw our nation from the United Nations. If that goal can be reached, the conspiracy targeting freedom can be set back for decades, maybe even totally defeated.

If personal freedom and national independence are to be maintained, the United States must put an end to what has been going on for generations, but has been put into high gear recently. The need is for the U.S. to withdraw from the UN’s clutches. Our nation must cease being the money spigot, the military spigot (NATO), and the propaganda spigot for the world organization whose goal is to rule everyone and everything.  

A measure already introduced in the House (H.R. 7806) calls for complete U.S. withdrawal from the trap that is the UN.  Support for it and introduction of a similar measure in the Senate is needed. Contact your congressman and ask him or her to co-sponsor H.R. 7806. Then contact each of your two senators and request introduction of a similar measure in the Senate.  Your personal freedom plus your nation’s independence and much more are at stake.  If the steady accumulation of power by the UN isn’t curtailed, there will be a New World Order established and each person on Earth will be forced to submit to it or be eliminated from society (unable to travel, work, etc.), imprisoned, and even killed. The now-galloping plan for a New World Order/Great Reset already exists and has been publicized by its creators. Let’s not allow them to succeed. Always keep in mind the need to inform not just yourselves but your fellow citizens about what all of us face if we don’t put a stop to our enemy’s plan.

Fellow Americans don’t want the future being created by well-entrenched enemies.  They need to become informed, and many need to roll up their sleeves and become involved. Finding and educating many is the key to remaining free. The best way to do this is through The John Birch Society.