Fido Is Fed Up! Even Dogs Are Now Rejecting Woke Leftism
Selwyn Duke

“Girls will be boys and boys will be girls; it’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world….” The kinks were perhaps ahead of their time when singing this line in 1970, though even well before then the Soviets had claimed that rye can transform into wheat (Lysenkoism). Today, leftists’ denial of objective reality and nature does have them asserting that children can become the opposite sex. We’ve also seen a teen girl who claimed she was a canine and a young woman who insisted she was a cat. She was born “in the wrong species,” she lamented, saying, “My psychologist told me I can grow out of it, but I doubt it.” (The head-shrinkers have a name for such a condition, too: “species dysphoria.”)

Speaking of cats, there was the 2013 story about people in Australia who nearly killed their kitten by feeding it a strict vegan diet. In fact, this desire to turn one’s carnivorous pet “into a pretentious leaf masticator is popular,” as HuffPo put it, and the latest example is a young woman who recorded her attempt to “prove” that her dog was vegetarian by choice. It, uh, didn’t exactly go as planned, as the fang-bearing canine had other ideas.

Commentator Thomas Lifson presented the story and provided some insight into the mindset at work:

Progressives are by their very nature contemptuous of the natural order of things.  Everything can be improved by their superior intellects.  By virtue of the purity of their motives and the advanced understanding we have these days, they can impose policies that violate human nature and, they think, prevail.  The Marxists are explicit in their promise that communism will create a “new man” (now updated to read “new person”).  Self-interest would no longer operate in the communist utopia that would follow the supposedly transitory period of “dictatorship of the proletariat.”  “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.”  Never mind who chose to lay about and who chose to work hard….

Of course, human nature being immutable, the “vanguard” in charge of the “dictatorship of the proletariat” in every single communist country has always held onto its own power and privileges and led societies where the gap between the lives of the elite and the masses dwarfed that of any capitalist system.  Trying to change human nature — or any other aspect of the natural order (see, for example, Lysenkoism) — inevitably produces outcomes that are at best hilarious and at worst, catastrophic.

And for today’s entry in the hilarious category is the aforementioned young American woman, location undisclosed, who was going to show the world how her pooch favored flora over fauna. The title could be, “How to Blow Up Your Leftist Agenda in Less Than a Minute” (video below).

It’s possible the video was live-streamed, and that’s how the young lady’s embarrassing moment was documented for posterity. It’s also possible that this is “fake,” as one commenter on YouTube claimed (if so, the woman’s acting was stellar). Regardless, trying to turn carnivores into herbivores really is a “thing,” as the following headlines illustrate.

Is it safe for your cat or dog to eat a vegan diet?

Can you turn your dog or cat into a vegan?

Vegetarian Cats?

One Vet’s Opinion: Don’t Force Your Pet to Be Vegan

Can Cats be Vegetarians?

Meet the People Who Want to Turn Predators Into Herbivores

Yet whether the young lady in the video was punking others or herself, it’s not just confused young vegans pushing this agenda. The last link above resolves to a Treehugger story about how, “to relieve suffering, predators should be genetically altered to no longer be carnivorous.”


Of course, with most frogs, many insects, and a multitude of other organisms being carnivorous, these eco-communists would have a lot of genetic tinkering to do. But, hey, remember: “‘Suffering is bad for anyone, anywhere, anytime,’ David Pearce, a British philosopher who published a manifesto on the Hedonistic Imperative, the theory that suffering must be eradicated, told us,” related Treehugger.

“In the post-genomic era, to confine the relief of suffering to a single person, race or species would express an arbitrary and self-serving bias,” he explained.

Interestingly, though, Mr. Pearce’s assertion could be considered “arbitrary and self-serving.” Can he prove scientifically, after all, that suffering is “bad” or favoring our species is “wrong”? Who says? God? Can Pearce point to some eternal truth, something transcendent, dictating this is so? Or is it just his own preference?

If Pearce denies Truth’s existence — par for his set’s course — then moral nihilism carries the day. For then “Man is the measure of all things,” as Greek philosopher Protagoras put it, and there is no right or wrong, good or bad, properly understood. As even Treehugger asks, “Should humans be able to decide what’s good and what’s bad?”

Of course, “If predators became herbivorous, they would compete for resources with existing herbivores,” the site also notes. “This could have negative consequences for plant life and destroy habitats and ecosystems.” Yes, for sure — except for one thing:

Who, my atheist/materialist friends, is to say what’s “negative”?

This said, the people who swear everything is relative (when it’s convenient) and make everything relative to themselves have already messed up economies and ecologies via low-tech folly. That they’d add high-tech lunacy to it is no surprise.

What we do know for sure, however, is that Fido vehemently disagrees.