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Economic Commentary

Dave Ramsey’s Town Hall for Hope

Dave Ramsey on Thursday evening, April 23, held a town hall-style meeting in Oklahoma City that was webcast to about 6,000 sites, mostly churches, across the country. Ramsey, who has carved...

Obama’s Counterproductive Economic Plan

President Obama on April 10 emerged from a high-level meeting with his economic team and proclaimed there were “glimmers of hope across the economy.” He believed some of those “glimmers” included...

Credit Card Crackdown

Next up for the federal government: the credit card industry. Having already thrown trillions in taxpayer dollars at the banking sector, and having moved to nationalize several of the nation’s largest...

G20 Pledges Supersized IMF

The much-ballyhooed G20 London lollapalooza is over, and things are going to change, according to world leaders. “A new world order is emerging, and with it we are entering into a...

Channeling the Outrage Over AIG Bonuses

The American people are understandably outraged to learn that the American International Group (AIG), a corporate giant that has received almost $200 billion in total TARP/TALF funding, has recently paid $165...