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Feminism Is Incompatible With Americanism

It has promoted promiscuity and convinced women that careers are more important than motherhood, resulting in the trivialization of marriage, families, and parenthood, which in turn has led to more crime...

The People’s Thing

The word ‘republic’ is from the Latin phrase ‘res public’ and translates as ‘The People’s Thing’. Unlike any other form of government, republics are centered around the people. How does this...

The Left’s Anti American Rhetoric

The liberal media is bombarding Americans with Anti American messaging everyday. They call America an inherently racist place. They call you a racist. They promote the Communist group Antifa. Don’t let...

Leading the Freedom Movement

Gary Benoit is the editor and publisher of The New American. Gary graduated magna cum laude in physics from the University of Lowell (now the University of Massachusetts — Lowell) in...

What Happens When Republics Fall?

The very institutions that republics so painstakingly maintain to maximize the liberty of their citizens and the stability of their body politic are susceptible to perversion into instruments of tyranny. ...