The New Era of Healthcare
Vol. 30, No. 07
April 7, 2014
Cover Story
Nullification vs. Constitutional Convention: How to Save Our Republic
by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. – With the U.S. Constitution being disregarded by every branch of the federal government, the solution is for voters and state legislators to enforce it, not revise it.
Ukraine: Unraveling the Planned Chaos
by William F. Jasper – While the crisis in the Ukraine appears to be geopolitical maneuvering between Russia and the West, in truth, Russia is working in cahoots with international elites from the West.
History - Past and Perspective
The Holocaust: Denying the Deniers
by Brian Farmer – For various reasons, some people claim that the Holocaust perpetrated against the Jews is a historical myth, but the documentary evidence belies their beliefs.