Harry Reid’s Attack on the Constitution Backfires
No sooner had nastily partisan Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared the Senate back in session after its five-week summer recess than he launched a one-two punch that he...
No sooner had nastily partisan Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid declared the Senate back in session after its five-week summer recess than he launched a one-two punch that he...
The beheading of a second American journalist has convinced a majority of Americans that the jihadist terrorists known as the Islamic State pose a significant threat to the United...
The first reports out of Ferguson seemed ideal to stir up the mob, but thanks to the alternative media in this country the “other side” of the story came...
Even those of us who are used to seeing politics get pretty tough and dirty are startled by Governor Rick Perry's August 15 indictment by a grand jury on...
The rumor mills are flying with speculation that before summer is over, President Obama will issue an executive order granting amnesty to as many as five million illegal aliens....
Finally, the Democratic leadership believes it has found an issue that will ignite their base, distract voters’ attention from their disastrous record and raise a ton of money for...
Obama wants to make it illegal for American businesses to relocate their corporate headquarters overseas to cut their tax burden. But why not cut the tax burden instead? ...
What on Earth is so wrong with the mainstream media in the United States that it can somehow find “equivalency” between the terroristic assaults Hamas leaders in the Gaza...
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the United States gained 288,000 jobs in June. But the reality is very different. ...
Conservative broadcaster Glenn Beck says that Americans should “open our hearts” to the plight of the thousands of children who have streamed across our southern border. “Through no fault...
Your efforts to expose the disastrous policies and unconstitutional usurpations of power by the Barack Obama Administration are definitely paying off. ...
The flood of illegal immigrants pouring into the United States is an invasion pure and simple. And unless it is stopped, the America we know and love will cease...
The growing scandal at the VA simply confirms what we’ve known all along: The bloated bureaucracy that is the federal government is out of control. ...
The forces of intolerance on the left have taken several more scalps in the past few days. And boy, are they gloating about it. Example No. 1 is Miami...
The Republicans now have two issues that can help decide many of this November’s elections: Benghazi and Obamacare. ...