New Research Confirms Wealth Tax’s Deleterious Effects
A wealth tax has many problems. While it makes for great “soak the rich” soundbites, in reality, it’s ineffective at reducing inequality. What wealth taxes do best is to...
A wealth tax has many problems. While it makes for great “soak the rich” soundbites, in reality, it’s ineffective at reducing inequality. What wealth taxes do best is to...
What is the proper role of moral suasion on commerce? It’s easy to see the benefits for all involved if firms start waiting a little before dismissing employees under...
There's no doubt that this pandemic-induced recession is hitting states hard. But that's no reason to bail them out, especially when many failed to prepare for emergencies, which are...
There are reasons to celebrate when someone steps in and challenges bad rules. Case in point: a legal challenge to New York City’s Rent Stabilization Law. ...
Oh, how I wish we would have remembered to earnestly account for the unseen effects of policies put into place during this pandemic that will pop up in its...
A guaranteed income may or may not be an improvement over the current state of affairs, but either way, a massive wealth transfer and regulatory state harms the poor....
One of the new ways critics like to slice and dice rich people these days is to question the value they provide to others by minimizing the importance of...
While I’ll always have slight regret about not having my party as planned, my birthday weekend was way better than it would have been without this pandemic. ...
If politicians in San Francisco really want to help their citizens, they may want to brush up on basic economics. That would be a treat. ...
In times of crisis like the one we are now going through, calls to grow an already-bloated bureaucracy abound. A better alternative is to continue the deregulatory trend that...
The threat of the lawsuits might obstruct the response of medical professionals who are fighting on the front lines against COVID-19. ...
As dangerous as the expansion of government power due to COVID-19 is, in some ways, federal, state and local governments are also reducing their intrusions into our lives by...
News about the impact and death toll of the new coronavirus, COVID-19, is constant. Yet we shouldn’t lose sight of the exceptional vitality that the private sector is demonstrating...
As the saying goes, “Nothing is certain but death and taxes.” I would add, “and anti-price gouging legislation in times of crisis.” ...
There are many poor arguments for mandated paid leave out there, many of which, unfortunately, demonstrate that facts and sound economics are, in this debate, too often optional. ...