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Evangelist Exposes “Evangelical Deep State”

VIDEO - Southern Baptist evangelist Thomas Littleton of Alabama joins The New American magazine's Alex Newman to discuss the "Evangelical Deep State." Among other topics, they talk about how false doctrines...

The Failed Iowa Caucus | Duke’s Take

VIDEO - The Failed Iowa Caucus is very telling. Why is it that the vast majority of big cities that are poorly managed are often controlled by Democratic leadership? The Iowa...

Fighting the Con-Con at the Local Level

VIDEO - Duke Pesta talks with Evan Mulch, the JBS field coordinator for South Carolina, Georgia and part of North Carolina, about the ConCon battle in his area. Evan explains the...

We Don’t Need a North American Union!

VIDEO - Congressman Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) joins The New American’s Christian Gomez to discuss his vote against the USMCA trade scheme and the need for a U.S. “Amexit” from the United...

Marching For Life Without Exceptions

VIDEO - Heather Hobbs Pro-Life Speaker with Save the 1 discusses her recent trip to the March for Life in Washington, D.C., influencing others to not just be pro-life, but pro-life...

All the Impeachment Cards on the Table

VIDEO - In this episode of Duke’s Take, Dr. Duke applauds President Trumps lawyers for “popping the balloons” of the Democrats hot air allegations. Duke calls Adam Schiff a “one man...