Harry Reid Shuts Down Senate After Rand Paul Libya Maneuver
A "sense of the Senate" resolution by Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky., left) opposing President Obama's Libyan intervention using Obama's own words as a Senator has tied up the U.S....
A "sense of the Senate" resolution by Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky., left) opposing President Obama's Libyan intervention using Obama's own words as a Senator has tied up the U.S....
It's the kind of legislative proposal that makes you pinch yourself and wonder what the House Republican leadership is thinking. The U.S. House of Representatives will consider a "Government Shutdown Prevention...
Professor Thomas E. Woods (pictured, left), Jr. has taken syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin (picture inset) to task for claiming the President can constitutionally bring the nation...
The FBI won a three-count conviction against precious-metals dealer Bernard von NotHaus on March 18 for the "crime" of minting memento "dollars" in silver, and the FBI charged in a...
Military and security spending amounts to $1 trillion every year, but there’s a lot to “defense” spending that doesn’t defend, and can still be cut — if America can...
Freshman Congressman Justin Amash (R-Mich.) claims President Obama is violating the U.S. Constitution by committing U.S. armed forces to enforce a no-fly-zone over Libya without approval from Congress, and...
President Obama has made the "decision" to put American soldiers into harm's way in Libya without the required permission under the U.S. Constitution (or even consulting Congress). American enforcement...
The House Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology Subcommittee concluded in hearings March 17 — apparently boycotted by committee Democrats — that the Federal Reserve Bank's inflationary policies were hurting...
State Department publicity of the mistreatment of accused Wikileaker Bradley Manning has prompted a response from President Obama on March 11, forced the resignation of State Department spokesman P.J....
President Obama announced that he will continue to keep approximately 50 Guantanamo detainees imprisoned indefinitely without trial in an executive order released March 7, in addition to initiating his own "military...
Andrew Ferguson of the Weekly Standard summed up the neoconservative case against cutting U.S. defense spending in a February 21 article entitled “The Stockman Temptation.” In Ferguson’s article, he...
U.S. foreign aid has long been used to support and influence tyrannical regimes around the world. ...
Six Democratic Senators wrote to House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers of Kentucky and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) February 1 complaining that “Republican Senator Rand Paul...
The U.S. Army filed 22 new charges March 2 against Army Private First Class Bradley Manning, who is alleged to have been Wikileaks' source for a variety of intelligence data...
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told members of the House Financial Services Committee March 2 that even mild cuts in spending could cost the economy 200,000 jobs, and offered...