“Betsy Ross” Flag Flap Just Latest in Left’s Assault on America
Taken to an extreme, this argument on the Betsy Ross flag would mean that thousands of churches should remove the crosses from their buildings if the KKK burns one...
Taken to an extreme, this argument on the Betsy Ross flag would mean that thousands of churches should remove the crosses from their buildings if the KKK burns one...
Venezuela isn’t, as liberals say, socialism done wrong. It’s the logical result of a methodical, slow, implementation of socialism. ...
Left-wing progressives probably need a program now to keep up with what they are supposed to hate today. ...
The Democrats might have handed Trump an issue to "hit out of the park" in 2020. ...
Biden took it on the chin in the first Democratic Party debate. Whether he does better in the next debate could determine whether he gets the chance to be...
The Gallup Poll found that Democrats' feelings of pride in the country are largely affected by election returns, while with the Republicans, not so much. ...
As John Randolph of Roanoke, a 19th-century member of Congress from Virginia (and a cousin of Thomas Jefferson), said, the constitutional protections of our liberties are just words on...
Today marks the anniversary of the assassination of President James Abram Garfield in 1881, an act which led directly to the passage of the Pendleton Act of 1883, which...
If America decided to declare independence from Britain on July 2, why do we celebrate our independence on July 4? ...
Modern anti-Trump leftists in America haven’t brought out the guillotines — yet — but they are certainly exhibiting the same intolerant attitude expressed by their ideological ancestors. ...
In the case case of congressional redistricting, the Supreme Court made one of its best decisions in years. ...
South Bend’s Mayor Pete Buttigieg has come under fire because a white police officer shot a black man in his city, and Buttigieg had hired a white police chief...
If anyone is guilty of using “indiscriminate, often unfounded, accusations” here, it is the NRA magazine, not McCarthy. ...
In what could be viewed as a hypocritical stance, Pelosi was constitutionally opposed to Trump attacking Iran this week, but supported President Barack Obama’s use of military force in...
“If President Trump decides to go to war with Iran, it will destroy his presidency just as the Iraq War destroyed the presidency of his Republican predecessor George W....