“Stay at Home,” Governor Gavin Newsom Orders Californians
What precedent does this executive order to individual Californians set for the future? ...
What precedent does this executive order to individual Californians set for the future? ...
Hydroxychloroquine, which has been used to treat malaria, rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus, has been killing coronavirus in laboratory experiments. ...
A major tenet of the American Left is that American society is permeated with systemic racism — and the Oklahoma Legislature has passed a healthcare bill that essentially agrees...
Oklahoma may be a strongly “red” state, a state in which no Democrat has carried an Oklahoma county in a presidential election in 20 years, but its laws often...
Regardless of which man wins the Democratic Party nomination, they will have nominated the most openly left-wing candidate in U.S. history. ...
Instead of calmly explaining his position on gun regulations when questioned, Biden became agitated very quickly, even shoving his finger in the questioner’s face. ...
The Democratic-controlled House of Delegates and Senate in Virginia have now passed bills to repeal present state law that has protected Confederate monuments from removal or destruction. ...
An effort to prosecute local police at the federal level is the latest effort to nationalize police. Instead, we should be working to keep our local police independent of...
“What Degree of Madness?” Madison’s Method to Make America STATES Again, by Joe Wolverton II, J.D., Columbia, South Carolina: Shotwell Publishing, 2020, 144 pages, paperback. We often hear that...
One hundred years ago, that generation’s Progressives generated enough outcry against drinking alcohol that an amendment was passed to outlaw it. But it didn’t bring Utopia. ...
The Taliban-like leftist frenzy against symbols of Western Civilization, all designed to advance the leftist cause, continues in southern California. ...
One lesson that we should learn upon hearing that an agreement has been signed to end the 18-year-old Afghan War — it is much easier to get into a...
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rejects yet another argument of liberals to circumvent the Electoral College. ...
Democrat presidential hopefuls target Sanders’ support for communist regimes, while Joe Biden claims guns have killed 150 million Americans since 2007. ...
Bernie Sanders insists that he is a democratic socialist, not a communist — but he sure as a long history of praising communists. ...