Parent on School Board Exposes Arizona “Science” Curriculum Claiming Sex Isn’t Binary
The proposed curriculum would teach kids that sex isn’t “binary” but is, well, confusing and a matter of personal preference. ...
The proposed curriculum would teach kids that sex isn’t “binary” but is, well, confusing and a matter of personal preference. ...
Manhattan's Row NYC has descended into anarchy and is now overtaken by sex, drugs, and violence. ...
The European Union is very upset that Hungary’s infringement upon academic freedom is, well, not the same as its own infringement upon academic freedom. ...
No stone shall be left unturned. This is clearly the message our nation-rending cultural revolutionaries have sent, and a great example is the latest controversy over a supposedly “racist”...
In a move not far removed from kicking puppies and mocking the handicapped, the museum expelled Catholic high-school students from its premises for what’s apparently now a sin in...
Admitting they were wrong is a necessary first step toward repairing an image that medical professionals themselves tarnished via massive, collective malpractice. ...
Chrystia Freeland enjoys a $420,000 annual salary, yet thinks an average salary of $70,000 for middle-class Americans is too much. ...
The phenomenon is exacerbated by affirmative action policies, which subordinate merit to racial quotas in the name of increasing police departments’ non-white representation. ...
While meeting with European allies last March, Joe Biden said that they “talked about how we could increase and disseminate more rapidly food shortages.” This was on camera at...
There was a race factor in the death of Tyre Nichols, but it wasn’t “white-supremacist systemic racism.” Rather, when the 29-year-old was killed by five Memphis cops on January...
"Dress codes skirt laws against discrimination by regulating ... clothing for all students rather than creating separate rules for girls and boys." Got that? ...
When we say someone doesn’t take pride in his appearance or home, we mean he doesn’t take care of it. Is it any different when a person doesn’t take...
History should not be compiled based on racial and sex-oriented quotas, but based on objective measures of merit. If a person did something notable and “makes the cut,” he...
Many millions of Americans dutifully sort their trash, believing that recycling helps the environment. But what if this greentopian ritual actually harms the environment and the economy to boot?...
Forgetting the Declaration of Independence’s words while campaigning in 2020, Joe Biden famously said that all “men and women [sic] created by — you know, you know, the thing.”...