NY Governor Pushes Legal Pot, but Is Test-marketing Complete Tobacco Ban
Apparently, all smoke particles inhaled into your lungs are equal, but some are more equal than others. ...
Apparently, all smoke particles inhaled into your lungs are equal, but some are more equal than others. ...
Fifty-five years ago already, Star Trek portrayed civilizations that worshiped über-powerful, artificially intelligent computers. In “The Return of the Archons” (1967), controlled and sometimes terrified people speak of the...
“The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them down between the millstones of taxation and inflation,” goes a line apparently misattributed to Vladimir Lenin. While the quotation...
The game might have been meant innocently. Yet it surely reflects great naiveté — about proper roles and necessary boundaries. ...
It’s well known that having a common language unites us; well, having a common language includes having common adjectives, verbs, nouns (etc.) — and pronouns. ...
If you’re a regular guy or gal and fancy yourself normal, think again. Because since you’re not a hermaphrodite, you just may be an “extreme” manifestation “of the sex...
Sometimes drug-addled and overly coddled, Hunter Biden isn’t generally viewed as a font of competence. But when the prey is cash, an enormously effective Hunter he is. This conclusion...
SB 5599 would also allow government-licensed youth facilities to hide girls from their parents while the former had abortions. ...
Is ice cream the ivermectin of the food world, something with profound health benefits that the medical establishment refuses to acknowledge? Perhaps not, in that no one is being...
If this has happened to Catholics, what other innocent but politically incorrect religious groups could be FBI targets? ...
For decades, the politically correct line has been that society is implicitly biased against women, non-whites, and an assortment of other “minority” groups. This alleged bias is said to...
“Liberals claim to want to do good while also claiming to not know what the good is.” This was said, I believe, by late journalist Joseph Sobran. Whatever the...
More traditional states can and must combat this totalitarian progression by nullifying unconstitutional federal dictates, and must be ready to resist any cynical imposition of martial law. ...
“Grease is the word”? Woke is the word, is the word that you heard — now — with a new Grease prequel so politically correct that, remarked one observer,...
No one likes being told that things most important to him are wrong. Christianity does this, upholding an eternal standard defining what is, absolutely and non-negotiably, sin. ...