Title IX for Thee but Not for a He
Our social engineers preach fairness but practice favoritism. Case in point: Thirteen-year-old Keeling Pilaro, of Suffolk County, New York, is being denied the right to compete in sports based solely on sex....
Our social engineers preach fairness but practice favoritism. Case in point: Thirteen-year-old Keeling Pilaro, of Suffolk County, New York, is being denied the right to compete in sports based solely on sex....
A Rasmussen poll indicates that Barack Obama's announcement in support of same-sex marriage is costing him support among middle Americans. ...
If profligate spending leads to complete economic collapse, tyranny may be the result. ...
Anti-bullying programs are social engineering disguised as efforts to encourage civility. ...
“Women drivers!” It’s a road refrain oft uttered by men. On the other hand, in this age of statistics it’s typically countered with the claim that men are actually...
“This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.” So spewed the attackers of Melissa Coon’s 13-year-old son, as they doused him with gasoline and set...
In a shocking case out of Pennsylvania, an American judge has thrown out an assault charge against a Muslim immigrant based on Sharia law. ...
It seems that all abortion is equal. But some varieties are more equal than others. In Britain, where even Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher was iron-hearted enough to vote for...
While I’m sure Barack Obama loves to stick it to traditional religious institutions any way he can, he certainly doesn’t want to stick it to himself in the process....
It’s ironic that it is Barack Obama now ramming a contraception policy down Catholics’ and other Americans’ throats. Little more than a month ago, former Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos...
When parent Jeff Travis saw a lesson sheet his son received in social studies class, he was shocked. Using propaganda that could have been disgorged by the KGB, the...
President G.W. Bush might very well have been sincere when he proclaimed, “I’m a uniter, not a divider,” but it nevertheless was boilerplate political rhetoric. Barack Obama, too, campaigned...
Language barriers are obviously an impediment to communication. If one man speaks Chinese and another Swedish, it may be hard for them to settle even simple matters, let alone...
First there was “Pop” in Sweden, then “Storm” in Canada. Now out of Britain comes Sasha, a boy, we hear, who is being raised by his parents in a...
Forget Mitt Romney and Bain Capital. If you want to find the real greedy one percent, you need look no further than Barack Obama. According to tax returns released...