Cover-up: The Swedish Left’s Sacrifice of Women to Political Correctness
Are women being sacrificed on the altar of multiculturalism? In Sweden the answer may be yes, as rape by Muslim men is covered up by the government and media....
Are women being sacrificed on the altar of multiculturalism? In Sweden the answer may be yes, as rape by Muslim men is covered up by the government and media....
While everyone is focusing on the North Koreans' alleged hacking of Sony, overlooked is that the real censors of American movies are the Chinese. ...
Some scientists want to send messages into space in the hope of piquing alien interest. But might it attract the kind of attention no civilization wants? ...
Expressing a fashionable modern view, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo scoffed at rights' divine origin. But can this be considered an American view? And why did our Founders stress rights'...
A radical atheist killed three Muslims in North Carolina. Now authorities are wondering if the act was a hate crime. But should such a designation even exist? ...
The University of Michigan is ratcheting up the political correctness on campus with a new speech code. But is controlling speech based on sensitivity sensitive at all? Or is...
When the "communist" Chinese government can influence who American universities hire and what they teach, East meets West becomes more than just cultural exchange. ...
Have you ever wondered why you’re buried in snow but keep hearing about how we’ve experienced “the warmest year on record — officially”? It's because the officials are manipulating...
Women are still "underrepresented" in science, technology, engineering, and math, and the social engineers are none too happy about it. And they're bent on balancing the scales. ...
Reacting to comments Pope Francis made in support of spanking, Germany has launched a frontal assault on traditional discipline. It seems that many moderns want to spare the rod...
Barack Obama recently equated the Crusades and the Inquisition with Islamic jihad, but is there really an equivalence? Or was Obama simply repeating, to quote Napoleon, "agreed upon myths"?...
NBC newsman Brian Williams said that while covering the Iraq War in 2003, he’d come under fire. Now many are calling for him to be fired. Because his story,...
In an unauthorized exercise of imagination, a nine-year-old boy said he could make a schoolmate "disappear" with a magic ring. He was then suspended for making a "terroristic threat."...
Was Winston Churchill correct in saying "Islam in a man is like rabies in a dog"? Or is the faith, as Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and others have...
The Left has criticized blockbuster film American Sniper, with Michael Moore calling snipers themselves "cowards." But what do fellow soldiers say about their sniper brothers-in-arms? And what is cowardice, anyway?...