Our Sexual Cancer: Metastasizing as the Band Plays On
The homosexual agenda might have hit its stride during the last decade, but the seeds for its success were sown long, long ago. ...
The homosexual agenda might have hit its stride during the last decade, but the seeds for its success were sown long, long ago. ...
Shocking new interviews with Muslims in America reflect what polls have shown: A distressingly high number of them prefer sharia law to our Constitution. ...
Torture, pain, beheadings, the murder of children.... If God exists and is all good, how could He allow such suffering and evil? This is a common question, and a...
If you want our freedoms restored, well, as they say, don’t hold your breath waiting — especially since holding your breath may soon be against the law, at least...
For people who once claimed the ideal is a colorblind attitude toward race, leftists talk an awful lot about race. ...
Fresh off making people’s eyes roll with a ban on water-gun play fights, the Boy Scouts of America has found an even better way to lose members: propose that...
Taking a stand for religious liberty, Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal signed an executive order Tuesday granting new protections to businesses that do not wish to service faux weddings. ...
The Left has long embraced the rallying cry "My body, my choice!" But when at issue is those who wish to eliminate their same-sex attraction, this seems to become,...
It's alleged that a French mayor has been involuntarily confined to a mental asylum for making politically incorrect statements about Islam. ...
When someone describes his location and says he’s right or left, the obvious answer is “Of what?” It’s interesting that we never ask this in politics. ...
Resurrecting his “You didn’t build that; somebody else made that happen” theme, Barack Obama called for higher taxes on people whom he characterized as “society’s lottery winners." ...
That “white masculinity is THE problem for America’s colleges” wasn't the only anti-white comment made by Boston University professor Saida Grundy. Despite this, the school defended her, saying that...
Portending dire political changes, the number of Christians has declined precipitously in the United States during just the last seven years, while atheists have almost doubled their share of...
When "artists" immersed a crucifix in a glass of urine or smeared a Virgin Mary picture with feces, we were told that creating sacrilegious images was "brave." But that...
Plumbing the politically correct depths to explain why black and Hispanic students lag behind whites academically, a leftist education group is teaching that minorities shouldn't be subject to "white...