Liberal Hypocrisy: Diversity Now! (Psst: Just Not in Our Kids’ Schools)
Diversity for thee but not for me, seems to be the leftist message. At least that’s the takeaway from a little incident in Brooklyn, NYC, which a writer is...
Diversity for thee but not for me, seems to be the leftist message. At least that’s the takeaway from a little incident in Brooklyn, NYC, which a writer is...
Increasingly, the modern perversion of “rights” leads to little but wrongs. And one of the best current examples is the movement to legitimize pedophilia. ...
The U.S. military has been ignoring the rape of young boys by Afghan allies — even on American military bases — all in the name of cultural sensitivity. ...
Echoing a prediction by late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, a top Muslim religious leader has prescribed a tactic for conquering Europe: demographic and cultural genocide. ...
The mainstream media may tell half a story as well as anyone, but reporting a half-truth is worse than saying nothing at all. In fact, it can be deadly....
The Clinton campaign recently announced that the candidate would be presenting a different, more tender, face to the public. It's just another example of how Hillary is like water:...
Increasingly today, the government and cultural institutions are saying to Christians: You can be Christian — or you can be successful. But you can't be both. ...
Defying political correctness and the "transgender" agenda, some Missouri high-school students recently protested their school's decision to allow a boy to use the girls' locker room. ...
Few people take moral stands today that could land them in prison, but Kim Davis is an exception. The Rowan, Kentucky, county clerk is still refusing to issue marriage...
Reacting to the recent killing of a Texas deputy, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke named high-profile accessories in the murder: Barack Obama and ex-attorney general Eric Holder. ...
After the Charleston church massacre, a war was launched against the Confederate flag. With a rainbow flag having been found in the WDBJ shooter's apartment, should it also now...
In the wake of the Rachel Dolezal affair, another "black" activist — this time with the Black Lives Matter movement — is being accused of lying about his race....
Will putting women in combat mean lower standards and a price for political correctness paid in blood? ...
In a move critics called “Orwellian,” a Boston hospital fired a well-respected urologist — merely for citing health concerns relating to homosexuality. And now those critics have taken up...
If you thought Planned Parenthood couldn’t possibly sink any lower, think again. Because now a video has emerged showing employees talking of cutting organs from babies with beating hearts. ...