About: R. Cort Kirkwood

R. Cort Kirkwood

R. Cort Kirkwood is a long-time contributor to The New American and a former newspaper editor.

ACORN Likely Doomed

As if it needed it, the leftist Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, is the subject of yet another video at BigGovernment.com. The latest installment is...

ACORN Funding in Peril

ACORN, the beleaguered leftist group battered by a series of videos that depict wrongdoing among its employees, is now on the ropes in terms of federal funding. The latest...

ACORN Losing Support

It appears that ACORN's venture into prostitution was deeper than the organization's top officials first thought. Two more videos document amusing sting operations in which ACORN employees offer advice...

Policing the English Language

“Quangos,” which means “quasi autonomous non-governmental organizations,” have enacted word-banning speech codes on the spectre'd isle that are so comical that they can hardly be believed. ...

Rifqa Bary Safe for Now

A circuit judge in Florida said last Friday that Rifqa Bary, the Christian teenager who fled her Muslim family because she feared an honor killing, will stay there until...

Save Rifqa Bary From an Honor Killing

Americans and Europeans have learned at least one unpleasant truth about unfettered immigration, even if government officials don’t want to admit it: many of the immigrants are criminals. European...

Paris Burning Again

Nearly four years after their first car-burning spasm of mayhem, vandalism, and violence, those "restive youths" in Paris are at it again. ...

Crescent Over Europe

The latest news on the Islamization of Europe is grim. By 2050, the Telegraph of London reports, Europe will be 25 percent Muslim. Muslims are a “demographic time bomb,”...

All Doped Up

Between 1996 and 2005, Reuters reports, the use of anti-depressants doubled to nearly 10 percent of the American population. In 1996, the figure was 13 million. Now, it's 27...