About: R. Cort Kirkwood

R. Cort Kirkwood

R. Cort Kirkwood is a long-time contributor to The New American and a former newspaper editor.

ACORN Cracked Again

ACORN, the beleagured leftist outfit struggling to stay afloat in the middle of a hurricane of bad publicity, was hit with another minor storm early this week. ...

Rifqa Bary in Danger Again

Now that Rifqa Bary, the 17-year-old Christian girl who fled her Muslim parents because she feared her father would kill her, has been sent back to Ohio, supporters of...

Sanctuary in San Francisco

San Franciscans face two new policies that will further erode what little respect for the law can be found among the city's illegal aliens. Oddly enough, however, leftist Mayor Gavin...

ACORN’s Nutty Antics

If events of the past few weeks are the end of ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, two individuals can take credit: James O’Keefe, 25, and...

Wilders Wins Appeal In Britain

An immigration panel in Britain has overturned a decision by the country's Home Office that denied Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders entry into the country early this year. ...

Memo Warned ACORN of Problems

ACORN's attorney warned the group last year that it needed to get its fiscal and managerial houses in order, reports Matthew Vadum at The American Specator Blog. That warning...