Multiculturalism Is Tearing America Apart
If we wish to preserve social order and prevent the collapse of our country under the weight of unrestrained pluralism, we must foster a national identity — a chief...
If we wish to preserve social order and prevent the collapse of our country under the weight of unrestrained pluralism, we must foster a national identity — a chief...
“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” So wrote the wise King Solomon in the Book of Proverbs. This is a powerful spiritual principle that every...
Although some blame Christianity for the fall of Western civilization, the West's fall actually coincides with the rejection of Christianity in favor of cultural Marxism. ...
In order to succeed, the globalists need to keep us individually weak in every area. The best way to combat them is to become and stay strong. ...
Although the Right must build its own parallel institutions, it must not relent in its efforts to reclaim those that have already been lost to the Left. ...
Don’t count him out just yet. There’s one word that keeps getting thrown around in discussions about Donald Trump’s viability as a candidate in 2024, especially in Republican circles. ...
If the political Right wants to defeat the Left, we must understand the tactics by which leftists have made so many gains — and be willing to be just...
The globalist-communist oligarchs understand that true power over other human beings comes from controlling what they think. And one of the best ways to control what people think is...
As the federal government slides into deeper levels of unconstitutional tyranny, it increasingly falls upon constitutionalists in the states to use the tools at their availability to curtail overreach...
The Left is not only capable and willing, but all too eager to use terrorism as its standard political tactic. ...
Republican candidates who try to criticize Trump for having “lost” in 2020 are admitting they don’t believe in the election-fraud narrative that has become such an integral rallying point...
We must understand the spiritual aspect of transgenderism in order to fully understand why the trans agenda is being pushed so fervently. ...
Theodore Roosevelt’s famous “Speak softly and carry a big stick” has been repeated nearly ad nauseam in this country, yet the truth behind the words isn’t sticking like it...
The united body of America’s Christians is the one force best positioned to counter the illegitimate usurpations of the Deep State. ...
If we’re interested in a genuine liberty movement, the solution goes beyond politics. It requires an awakening within the hearts of our men, a rediscovery of their worth, heritage,...